DIY Adventures: Conquering Leaky Roofs and Sealed Ceilings

We’ve got a problem.
Our roof is literally leaking.
Flip’s sake. The rest of the week is dry.
That’s a job for another day.
Hey, the floor’s now with the approval crack.
On with the ceiling. We’ve already got water behind the ceiling.
And what hump can Laca do?
Well, we bought brushes.
For the 17th time in this series.
get sealed ceiling.
During our attempts to seal the ceiling,
the hardest thing that was working was our floor protector.
My arm’s running out of battery.
Oh, God.
Get a solar power. Ha ha ha ha ha!
The reason we treat this water is to stop it from going moldy.
Right, the ceiling’s done.
Now onto the tables. Here we go.
Slathering up the scaffold.
Before we install these scaffolds,
you have to get three coats on these bad boys
so they’re nice and sealed.
Flat in the tramp.
These self tapping screws have literally made our day.
That’s worked. Screwing things into metal seemed impossible until today.
We can’t believe it. Easy.
This ain’t gonna be done, baby.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, my God!