Title: The Power of Documentation: Advice from a Legal Professional

one thing I Learned through law school and being an attorney
that I tell all my friends
I tell my husband, I tell family members
is “document everything.”
This might sound extreme this might sound harsh…
do not trust people! Don’t say
“oh well
we made an verbal agreement
we agreed to it”…if something goes bad in a business relationship
or some kind of deal that you’re making
some kind of unwritten contract…
if it goes bad you’re really gonna wish you didn’t
give someone the benefit of the doubt.
Even if it’s like
you’re getting your floors done,
have proof that you paid them!
if someone is harassing you at work,
don’t just say “oh well
I’ll let it slide” or just go home and tell your spouse
and that’s it,
start documenting it like this…
email yourself “today is August 20th at 11:00am
so and so my coworker said something to me that was very offensive
very discriminatory”
write it out
be specific every time that happens.
That’s what I mean document everything
screenshot things, if someone sending you DMs that are some form of harassment
that are hateful, screenshot it
screenshot their account, screenshot any photos you see on their social media.
I had a friend say “hey
can you write my landlord a letter
uh because I
I didn’t get my security deposit back cause they said the room was a mess”
I said did you
did you document anything?
do you have photos to show that when you left
it wasn’t destroyed
if you have none of this stuff
I’m gonna sit there like why
that gives you so much more strength
so much more grounding, so much more to stand on.
This is seriously just something that I personally do
is I document everything