Naked Koala’s Spectacular Event: Port Moresby Adventures and Independence Day Celebration with the Band

Koala want talks.
This is naked koala speaking.
I just thought I’d let you know that I’ll be in Port Moresby from,
um, 3rd,
3rd of September. And, um,
hold the date 14th of September.
Something extremely spectacular is going down.
So, yeah,
it’s been a long time coming.
I’ll let you in on more details very soon.
But yeah, hold the date 14th of September.
And also, if you have some tips for Independence Day, 16,
16th of September, I’ll be there with my band.
So, uh,
any suggestions will be warmly appreciated. Alright.
Oh, did I get my.
My watch? Oh, it’s.
It’s the boxers. It’s the briefs.
Uh, yeah.
Uh, well,
thank you so much. I’ll see you very soon.