History and Significance of Horsewoman Seals in Document Signing

Did you know that horsewomans were used
in the past to sign documents?
Let me explain,
the first
jumps date back to Mesopotamia,
towardstrois-mille-cinq-cents before Jesus Christ,
and were used to authenticate documents
rather than signing with ink,
the owner of a horsewoman pressed his leg
with a family coat of arms or a symbol
staff in hot wax.
This acceleration,
difficult to forge
guaranteed that the document came from him.
In addition to serving as a jump,
the horsewoman symbolized 1 high social status,
1 privilege reserved for nobles and influential families.
this celebration has become popular,
but it continues to be worn like 1 family jewel
as a precious heritage,
transmitted from generation to generation.
And you,
do you like this jewel?