Thoughts on Various Apps: From Brawl Stars to Netflix to TikTok – A Humorous Perspective

Rating your app DOC. I would make fun of Brawl Stars,
but I think settings in the app DOC is a little bit more concerning
though. What setting are you changing that often?
Is that a third party flashlight app?
Voice Memos? I guess you might be an undercover cop.
That’s okay. Powerpoint.
Yeah. You don’t enjoy your life much,
do you? Netflix feels like an essential app
until you really think about what you’re doing on Netflix.
The only thing I actually do on Netflix
is scroll around for five minutes
while I’m thinking of what movie I actually want to watch.
And then watching that movie on Prime Video.
I’ve been watching your Tik Toks for a while.
Can you send me 10 bucks for Nitro?
If the first interaction you’re having with someone
is asking them for money,
your chances are slim. This game is like off brand Tetris.
It’s awesome. KFC’s insane.
Don’t comment. Just don’t comment.
I would never tell someone to put their dog down.
But enough with the Apple Music.
Rate it please. Isn’t it aesthetic?
I mean, just because it’s not the default doesn’t mean it looks good.