Embracing Responsibility and Enjoying Life: A TikTok Morning Reflection

Good morning, TikTok Tuesday morning. It’s a beautiful day here and wind of Georgia today. Sunrise never that tree right over there. You got a Mustang coming by. Of course. Obviously, there are young kids and mom and daddy still paying for the tires because they should like just squirl them a lot. They have to pay $1,000 for a set of tires or better. They’ll quit that mess. I need a haircut so bad. Donnie need a haircut. I just wanted to say good morning, guys. Oh, my grandson’s quite the little character, as you guys could tell. But they came over to spend one night and they’ve been there almost a month now. So I do not mind. They can spend the whole summer with me if they want. I don’t care. I’ve been having some fun with them. I took him to the races, took me to the pool, little bit of swimming every weekend.

Yeah, it’s another one to my first, makes my day when I go back. Flux my nerves is what it does. Remember back in the day we had glass packs on ours. At least they were loud and it sounds like a real muffler, not a little humming beagle going down the road. My goodness. Yeah, I’ll take you. So it’s a nice little breeze going this morning. It’s not so muggy. It’s amazing. As high as this. Man, this feels really good. Had to go last night at 6:00 and they didn’t memorize my neck and my upper middle and lower back. So my doctor had called it in, and I didn’t even know it, that he called it in. I guess from the last time I got some injections, he called it in. So I went, had those done last night. So we’ll see what that says. So at first we do the one on the shoulder. So wish I could have just got it all taken care of last night, but two different doctors. So 200 dollar co pay. I see. Well, I guess that’s pretty reasonable for technically 3 MRIs. So that was my co pay on it last night, not fell out when I said your parts $200 tonight. I’m alright. Okay. Well, we got it done. So I’m looking forward to seeing what that says as well. Fed back issues for a while, so hope they haven’t gotten any worse and I hope. I could wish for better, but I know better. So guys, there’s a word that I want to use and I want to discourage people from being a part of that word altogether on TikTok. It’s called opportunist. Okay? If you see somebody or you get involved with somebody and you know that they got a good heart, don’t take their kindness for weakness, people, cuz you end up looking like cool at the end of the day. You sure will. And alternatives and demands. And I’ll say demands. Don’t be an opportunist. Don’t demand anything from anybody and you’ll have a better life and things may turn out a little different. You can’t demand somebody to do something. You can’t make somebody do something. You’re not gonna change or teach old dogs new tricks. It’s just not gonna happen. Folks, not speaking about anybody in general, but I’m I’m watching and there’s some people on TikTok that are opportunists. And they go and do whatever they do and then they try to get whatever they can get. And then they talk about people, not good people, not good. It’s just not a good thing. Because you know what? There’s two sides to every story. There’s a song that says, if you quit telling lies about me, I won’t tell the truth about you. A lot of people need to live by that. Oh, it’s a really good song and it has a lot of meaning. It has a lot of guts and it has a lot of behind that song. In other words, just tell us somebody to get it straight. I love that song and I can feel it to my bones about some situations. Oh, just move on. Go on with your life. Leave other people alone. People.

Cuz, like I said, there’s 2 sides to every story and not pertain it to me per say. I’m just saying I’m very happy in my life format right now and I’m good single Eagle, you know, stay that way for a minute. Gonna stay that way, figure out what it is I want out of my life. And because I know where I’m going, I know where I wanna go. And who knows, I might find that perfect person do to do that with.

Right now, that’s not so. So and I’m not in no hurry to find that. Oh, could cause my left so bad. If it doesn’t severe, I am okay by myself. I am okay living exactly the way I’m living right now. And I’m enjoying my grandkids. I’m enjoying life. I’m getting work done. I gonna travel, gonna do the things I wanna do, but responsible people do what they gotta do first and then they play. You can’t play 247. You just can’t do it. You can smile, you can have a good time, but responsible people take care their responsibilities first and then whatever’s leftovers, what they get to play with. And like I said, everybody knows me. I work a lot. That’s not for some people. I have a lot of responsibilities. That’s not for some people. I’m old school. That’s not for some people. I’m ex military. That’s definitely not for some people. And I have my beliefs and I have my morals and I have my standards in order to be the person that I am today. I’ve lived by those. And some people can’t take that either, and that’s okay with me. I don’t see that having a structured, stable discipline and comfortable life is a better way.

Some people do. Oh, my goodness. Some people just wanna party and have a good time. I’m too old to do all that. I’ve already done all that in my life. I wanna see my projects completed. I wanna see the world. I wanna meet all kinds of people. But I’m also responsible. I’ll take care of all that stuff first and then I’ll play.

I’ve done a lot of travel since I’ve been on TikTok. I’ve done a lot of things, but I’ve still taken care of my responsibilities. There’s some people on TikTok that need to learn responsibility, dedication, just some good old morals and set your life goals and work for those. Because if you run around and just wanting a party and travel, laugh all the time, you never gonna get anything done. Here’s the time and place for everything.

Guys, you have a wonderful day. Don’t be an opportunity sis. Don’t do it. It doesn’t look good on resume. Okay. I love you guys. Have a wonderful day. In my mind, me, myself and I get on that people.