The Mystery of Melania: Trump’s Cardboard Cutout and the Absence of the First Lady

Meanwhile, Trump has replaced his own wife with a cardboard cutout.
Ron Philipkowski posted this on X
at the Trump campaign office in Jupiter,
Florida. They have a cardboard cutout of Melania there
since she won’t show up for anything herself.
Where is Melania? No one knows,
but apparently the Trump campaign
has given up on earlier efforts to get her out on the trail.
Months ago, back when Biden was still the democratic candidate,
and back when Trump was spending his days in a New York City courtroom,
there was a push to get Melania out there with Trump
because what better way for a wife
to show her support for her husband’s criminal proceedings
and his presidential aspirations
than to sit by his side as he endured public humiliation and scrutiny,
even when her husband was shot at
by someone who was trying to kill him?
She just released a written statement.
Of course, she wasn’t at the event herself,
but according to Trump, she was very distraught.