Freddy Slasher Hand Tee Transformation: A Step-by-Step Guide

I’m about to show you how I cut our famous Freddy slasher hand tees.
And then I wear a red cami under it, cause,
you know, I gotta look like crazy.
So I just go where all these are,
got my little rotary cutter,
and you can get any craft store,
the big A, all the places.
And I’m gonna go right where these are,
and I’m literally just gonna put a little bit of pressure,
and I’m gonna cut like,
I think his claws are gonna cut kind of a little bit crazy on that one.
And then I’m gonna cut it right,
like so right then I’m.
All I’m gonna do is pull it.
You can cut any tees like this.
I just love. And listen,
he don’t have a knife on there.
We done research, baby.
So he only got the four slashers,
in case you were wondering. Ever.
Then you’re gonna take it off your board.
You can get the board and the cutter as a set.
Let me show you how cute this is.
Now, you already know
I cut the neck off and make it a little bit more fancy,
but that doesn’t matter because on this one,
look how cute.
Y’all are gonna freak, cause it is absolutely adorable.
A little Freddy hand. Let me go over here.
Hello. Freddy Slasher hand T.
You guys are Freddy Slasher T.
That’s already cut. Is back and coming soon.
Screen print, custom design and developed The slashes.
And I got my little red cami underneath.
You know, I love this one.
We’ve been selling this one for years,
and everybody is obsessed, baby.