Missed Moments and Surprises: A True Story of Parenthood

No, but I just had for her.
But it’s also hard for me.
You see, when I’m traveling away and then, like,
get away maybe two weeks or whatever,
like, especially when he was just born.
It’s like, those two weeks are a long time when you’re away,
you know what I mean? And then you come back and he’s like,
I missed them walking for the first time and, like,
saying me words and stuff, like,
so you’re missing all these big things,
you know what I mean? I’m nearly.
I’m nearly eating now. I was on the.
I was. I was on Facetime.
It was on Facetime. I was on phone with you,
and Perry started walking.
Remember that? I was on the phone at 2 in the kitchen.
Perry just walked, right?
I was like, man,
I need to go. She’s just started walking.
That’s a true story. That’s a true story.
So, actually, see, when.
What’s her name? Sorry.
Hunter. Hunter.
Hunter, I.
So when Holly actually found out she was pregnant,
I was. I was away,
so I was, um.
I was doing a show in Germany and.
As a support act for a band called Santiano.
And it was, like,
one of the biggest shows that I’ve played.
So it was in, like,
an arena and everything else.
So I’m getting hyped up, I’m backstage,
I’ve got my ears all set, ready to go.
I think I’m about 15, 20 minutes before stage time.
And Holly text me, she’s like, hello,
how are you? And I was like,
weird fucking text at 7 o’clock at night. And.
And I was like, I’m fine.
I was like, what’s up?
What’s with the text? And she’s like,
and are you busy? And I was like,
well, I’m just about to go and stand in front of about 15,000 folks,
so I’m just a wee bit busy.
And she’s like, and never say that.
And just sent me a picture of the pregnancy test.
Oh, no idea.
Just literally dropped on me
and I was like, oh,
my God. Did you go on stage? Bouncing?
I went on to bouncing and then I forgot the words to one of my songs.
Completely forgot what it is.
I was just like,
did you tell them why? No,
I didn’t know my heat was fried, man.
That’s funny, man.
I remember Stephanie when she says,
can you come down? Because at the time,
we were only staying in each other’s houses,
and she went, can you come down in my bed to talk about something?
And I wrote back,
And then I just went and said that,
sending it exclamation marks.
Then she sent me the emoji of wee baby
and I went, fuck!
So you genuinely didn’t go?
I didn’t go, no.