Understanding and Managing Blocked Eye Ducts: Tips for Prevention and Relief

you keep getting this this or this
a lot of people are actually getting this
and it’s more common than you recognize
but one of the reasons why they keep getting it
is because they’re not really getting rid of the underlying issue
which is that their eye ducts are actually getting clogged
there’s many reasons for this
one of the reasons is that maybe they’re wearing a lot of makeup
and they’re not removing it appropriately at the end
at the end of the night so they’re sleeping with blocked ducks
and that over time
could cause inflammation whether you have something called a collision
which is just inflamed eye ducts
or you have something called a styl
which is caused by an infection because of blocked eye ducts
that in itself could be relieved with warm compress
what you do is you warm up a towel with warm water
and you dab it on your eye
you leave it there for two to three minutes and four times a day
that could relieve the inflammation by opening up the eye docs
of course if over time
the pain is still severe there’s a lot of redness
that could be a form of infection called the stye
and that typically will be recommended to get antibiotics
but in general whether you have a style or a collision
which is just a blocked eye duct
I recommend doing warm Compress
Pro tip is to use baby shampoo
dab a little bit of baby shampoo in a warm towel
and putting it in your eye to clean your eye ducts
will be very helpful to prevent you from getting these recurrent issues