Fixing Message Deletion Issue on iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide

Where your iPhone just keeps going through
and randomly deleting messages
over and over and over again,
you know, automatically,
like randomly. Now,
there’s some really easy ways of going about fixing this.
The very, very first thing I want to do,
for the most part, is
you want to go ahead and make your way over into your settings
application. So you want to come right into settings,
then you want to scroll down until you find messages.
So find messages, which is right here,
and you want to go and tap into messages.
Now what you want to do here
is you want to scroll down until you find a little option that says
keep messages.
So what this keep messages thing is going to do
is it’s going to go ahead and allow you to basically
keep your messages for a duration of time that you want to.
So in this case, what you can do is you can tap on to keep messages.
And there’s a couple different options
in the ways that you can basically
keep your messages. So you can keep your messages forever,
for one year, or for 30 days.
So all you wanna do is you wanna configure exactly what type of,
you know, way you wanna keep your messages for.
So you can keep your messages for,
you know, 30 days.
Probably is the way that, you know,
your messages are probably set up right now.
Or one year. But if You want to?
You can keep it forever. And what’s going to happen is
those messages are going to be set on your iPhone forever
and they’re never going to be deleted until you manually delete them.
Now a way you can check your iPhone storage
for how much storage you have left,
cause sometimes it’ll just randomly delete there too
is to go inside of your settings,
click on general, click on iPhone storage,
which is right here. And
you just wanna make sure you have enough storage saved on your iPhone,
because if you don’t
then they’re gonna randomly start deleting stuff on your phone too.
So keep that in mind there,
but that’s essentially how it works.
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