Magic John: The Ultimate Phone Screen Protector

$8? You’re paying $8 for garbage like that?
No, get rid of it.
Have this. Try Magic John.
Easy to apply to even when there’s dust all over your phone.
And I can apply this just in the train station.
You don’t have to worry about all anything.
Pull the dust removal tape,
swipe here, peel that,
give it a few seconds. Let the air of absorb to the center for the best.
And they can lift to this
No dust, no air bubbles right in the place.
You don’t have to worry about anything.
And then 28 degrees. Protecting your privacy.
Your secret is safe. And also because we have this special layout.
So the waterproof, fingerprint proof and oil proof.
Gives you a very smooth surface.
Just like that. And you can scratch it with anything. Look at that.
Still perfect. This is our quality.
Last but not least, you have got everything.
But still the Cucumber Time.
Magic John. If you like it,
click on your yellow card down below. Buy yourself one today.