Setting Live Wallpapers on Your New Android Phone: A Beginner’s Guide

if you’ve just gotten
your first Android phone
this is the first thing
you should do
live wallpapers
are the best thing ever
I don’t know why
they’re not on iPhone
it seems very easy to do
There’s also a dedicated app for it
but I’m not sure that you need this (you do)
all you do is go to TikTok
type in something live wallpaper
and then you’ll just get
a bunch of these
some of them work
some of them don’t
see like this one doesn’t work
Go here
you’ll see right there
set as wallpaper
You’ll be prompted to
download this TikTok video whatever
that’s what you’ll get
Once you’re in here
open TikTok
and then it’ll be here
There set as wallpaper
whatever you wanna do
and now
there you go
I guess you can also just
use this app to find wallpapers
didn’t know that
another one
set as wallpaper
and then every time you push
set as wallpaper
it’ll pop up here
so now you just choose
what you want
it’ll download it
and set as wallpaper
there we go