Summer Fun with Circles: A Collection of Sweet and Fruity Cookie Designs

Some people might say I make way too many sets with circles, and I would say to that, there’s no such thing. I have made yet another set of cookies, always circles. I actually made 3 summer classes this year, all with circles. This is actually my first time making a summer themed class with circles. I have a couple other summer themes from my very beginning of teaching classes and I was like, how could I not have set of circles for beginners? So here we are, this first cookie, that pool situation, totally inspired by a sweet AMS design from bajillion years ago. But keeping in line with my classic approach to beginner sets, we are doing one consistency, my what I call thick flood and we’re using a 3 inch circle and we are not floating all the way to the edge because that’s gonna allow the icing to kind of spread out a bit and hopefully not overflow. But y’all, it can still overflow even if you do that.

This one here, I always like to vary my beginner sets as much as I can. And I love that scraping technique to add some variety in texture and dimension. And especially I chose to do that for this design with the pineapple because there’s so much icing on top of it with that pineapple design. So I feel like it balances it out quite nicely. But if y’all don’t like it, you can always just flood the base blue.

This next one is actually what I’m calling flowers. Some people thought that thing, that thing, that green thing before was a flower. No, that’s a lime. So this is a set of, what do I call these, like tropical flowers? I don’t know. They’re giving like Hawaiian tropical print vibes. So that’s what I call them. But what I was gonna say if I had my brain screwed on straight, is that there are two main ways to do wet on wet flowers in moralizing. And that is one of them. So you’re welcome. This one here had to do a sun, but I wanted to do something a little something different. So we added a little wet on wet white situation just to add some more dimension. And of course, I couldn’t get away without doing crackle more than once in this set. Sorry, not sorry, I don’t know. I did think about doing crackle on the outer edge and thought that crackle in the center was better. Somehow, though, this is giving egg yolk. I don’t know, but I think it’s a cute sunny egg yolk.

Next up, we’ve got a beach ball. Cuz we’re going like summer beach vibes here. I guess this could be pool ball, too. Pool ball. No one would call that a pool ball, but you would totally use this in a pool anyway. To make this more beginner friendly, I did four sections instead of six. That probably does not register at all. But if you’ve ever seen a royal icing cookie done as a beach ball, it’s gonna have six sections.

Anyway, keeping the color palette simple, of course, it’s surprisingly hard to have a small color palette with summer theme. I don’t know. I always struggle to really bring it down. This is a lemon slice done exactly the same as the lime. So you might think, is this actually a different design Grace? And I’d be like, yes and no. Different in the sense that, you know what? You could make an entire set of cookies just out of. I did a lemon, lime and grapefruit slice for this set, but you could also add an orange color and make that an orange slice. And literally you could do just an entire set of circle cookies of those citrus fruits. You’re welcome.

As actually like the third set I think I ever made or 4 set I ever made was just a set of slices of citrus fruit. And actually fun fact, I bought cookies from the grocery store and cut them in half anyway, they weren’t totally flat, but I made it work. This drip here, it’s a little unknown what kind of drip it is. Is it like a popsal drip? Is it an ice cream drip? I don’t know. Am I just dripping sweat? That’s also possible.

Here’s the grapefruit again, keeping it simple with the execution. I don’t know, the colors, the designs. I like this set. It’s simple. It’s fun, it’s fruity, it’s fresh. It just makes me happy.

But let me know in the comments, are you sick of the circles? Even if you’re sick of the circles, I’m gonna be honest, I’m probably not gonna stop doing them. They’re actually some of my best selling classes. I know we could use some more variety with shapes, but friends, I do have those on my website. I swear, I’m just trying to fill in the gaps of all my classes and I needed some circle summer sets. So here we go. This is the first one. I cannot wait to show you this whole set in detail. Love y’all.