Dialing in Your Scooter: A Comprehensive Guide by Scooter Jesus

Hey, oops, peeps.
Scooter Jesus here. Today what I’m gonna do is
I’m gonna show you how to tighten up your compression system
on your scooter. For an S C S.
Style scooter. So you’ve got H I C.
And you’ve got S C S. My scooter that you can see behind me
has got an S C S. Clamp.
And today I’ll show you just how I go about making it dialed
and tightening it up. So
first things first, you’re gonna need some tools.
Uh, you can either use a normal Allen key,
or if you wanna get fancy with it,
you can use a ratchet. So ratchet,
little bit faster,
slightly easier to use.
Little bit of ASMR for you there.
Um, what you’re also gonna need is the correct size Allen key.
So some use 5 and some use 6 millimeters.
Mine uses 6 millimeters throughout,
which is great. It means I have to carry less tools.
I do still carry a 5 and a multi tool with me
for a couple of other things.
So for example,
my, um,
break on my other scooter.
That uses a, um,
a 4 millimeter Allen key.
So I make sure that I bring all my tools with me.
Just in case anything gets loose.
Cause there’s nothing worse than having an undialed scooter.
So let’s get some zoom on. Uh,
I’ll show you what we’re gonna do, and, uh,
we’ll get to it. Peace.
So, guys,
I’ve got A proto SCS clamp.
And the good thing about the proto SCS clamps guys,
is that it’s got, it’s got a spreader bolt.
And what you do with that is the bolt.
The bolt comes uh, included with it.
And uh, you use that to open up the clamp slightly.
So when you got brand new bars, uh,
it can be quite hard to put the uh,
the bars inside the clamp.
Now with the spreader bolt,
it opens up the clamp very slightly.
You gotta make sure that your other bolts are loose.
So make sure to loosen all of these off first,
cause what you don’t wanna do is have those tight
and then try and spread it,
cause you’re just gonna strip out the threads in,
in your clamp. So make sure those are loose. That first things first.
So guys, when you are tightening and loosening the clamp,
you’ve got to make sure that you’re doing this in small increments.
I little bit at a time for each bolt.
Don’t go and do all of the tightness or looseness of the bolt
one at a time, because what you’ll do then is
the clamp will close up more at one side than the other
and it won’t be properly tight.
So when you go to loosen it,
just do a little bit at a time.
We’re talking something like 1/8 of a turn, something like that.
How cool would it be if they had a tool
That you could put in a drill,
and it just did all the bolts at the same time.
that’d be amazing. So, anyways,
once you’ve got your bolts loose,
your clamp might still be A little bit tight,
and it might be A little bit hard to pull your bars out.
But to fix that, all you need to do,
you just drop the scooter on the floor once,
and what that’s gonna do, loosen everything up,
and then you’ll be able to just pull the bars out, like so.
So the next stage is tightening up your,
um, SCS.
Now, the bolt inside there,
that is basically clamping the forks against the clamp,
getting it nice and tight.
And then once it’s tight, it’s gonna be dialed.
So in order to tighten that,
as you can see, my, uh,
Allen key is not long enough.
So you either gonna need A longer Allen key,
or, if you’re using A ratchet,
you just need to use an extension bar.
I’ve got this nut spinner here,
and what I can do there is simply have to just put that in there,
put this on here, and then I can use that on my, uh,
my clamp. With having A large deck,
I also need to use this. To be able to tighten my wheels,
like so. So the ratchet and the nut spinner,
it’s a really good tool to have.
So, next up,
you’re gonna tighten up your, uh, SCS.
Compression bolt
like. So
make sure it’s reasonably tight.
You don’t wanna go over tightening things.
If you go over tightening them,
you’re gonna put too much stress and strain on the metal components.
And then eventually that’s gonna cause them to break through, uh,
potentially a stress fracture.
So once you’ve tightened up a little bit,
all you do. All you’re gonna do now is put your bars back on
and tighten up your clamp.
Now make sure when you’re tightening up your SCs
that your clamp bolts are loose.
All of them are loose. Because if they’re tight,
all you’re gonna be doing is tightening a bolt.
You’re not gonna be allowing the clamp to compress against the, uh,
the headset cap and the forks.
And that’s what’s gonna make the scooter dialed.
So make sure that the clamp bolts are loose.
Now what you gonna do is you gonna reinsert your bars.
Make sure to push down, make sure they’re all the way in.
You should hear them click at the bottom.
A little bit of a tink, and then you know that the,
the bars are fully inserted.
And again, this is the most important step, guys.
When you tightening up your clamp bolts,
you need to be doing them just a little bit at a time.
Little bit of a turn on the bolt,
go to the next bolt. Little bit of a turn goes to the next bolt.
Little bit of a turn, go To the next bolt.
Repeat the process until the clamp bolts are nice and tight.
الله اكبر
another good thing about the ratchet is
you don’t need to take the Allen key out move it
tighten it up move it tighten it up
move it tighten it up all you need to do is just go like this
really good and useful tool
so again just a little bit at a time guys
and I’m gonna show you up close just.
How much I’m turning it by each time,
so it’s in there and I’ve moved it to about there. Just about there,
about there,
about there,
about there.
for you younger riders that are quite light,
you might not need the bolts quite as tight as I do,
but I like to get them nice and tight.
What you don’t wanna do, though,
is over tighten a bolt, because what happens then is it.
It strips out the threads in the clamp,
and then it’s not really, you know,
cramping anything. It’s not,
it’s not, uh,
gonna be tight enough.
And you’re gonna have to spend lots of money on the new clamp.
So just a little bit of time.
Takes a little while, but it’s worth it.
And then eventually it’ll be tight enough.
So I’m not far off now.
And what we’ll do is a little dial test as well when we’re finished.
Sort of. So, little dial test.
I think one of my bearings has Got a little bit, um,
knackered, and that’s why it’s got a little bit of a rattle,
but only very, very slightly.
The clamp is now super tight.
The bar still spin nice and freely.
And again, the ratchet, guys.
Such a. Such a useful tool.
It’s an. It’s an.
It’s amazing how, uh,
how useful this tool is.
So I’m just gonna do my wheel maybe.
Maybe it’s a tiny bit loose.
There you go.
Dialed. Hope you enjoyed the video, guys.
Let me know what other tutorials and stuff you’d like me to do.
Scooter Jesus out.