Relieving Neck and Shoulder Pain: A Review of a Multi-Spot Massager

My life is literally a pain in the neck.
I’m going to the chiropractor here in just a few minutes,
but I wanted to show you, in between my chiropractor visits,
what I’ve been doing. I had one of these,
and I showed it to you, and it works great.
It’s neck and shoulder massaging,
but there is something about this one
and the way that this works in here
that just gets in there more.
And I liked that. This one also could go down to my lower back,
which is where my other pain point is.
It has heat that is so nice.
On my neck, it is so tight and so sore,
and I don’t know if I’ve just been, like,
stressed out and scrunching up
or if it’s just because I work at a computer all day,
but it is so good. It just.
I don’t know. Can you see that?
And the way that it just needs in those spots is fantastic.
Now, my other one was great.
It had this, like,
longer neck piece that went down and kind of got, like,
the top of my back.
But this one, however,
it is doing it, and this one’s cheaper, too.
However this one does, it
is literally getting in to multiple spots on my neck
that the other one wasn’t reaching.
It was, like,
too far out, if that makes sense.
On my neck,
it is so
in between appointments,
this is how I Am relieving the tension that is there
that makes it feel so difficult just to even turn my neck.
Like, I go to turn this way,
and I’m like, oh,
that really hurts. Oh,
I go to turn this way, that really hurts.
So I want to show you how it is moving around here.
There’s a hair on it. See? Get that off.
So you can see the red there.
That is with the heat on right now.
Because that’s how I’ve been doing it most recently.
Because that heat just seems to really relax those muscles even more.
It has a couple of different modes that you can switch between,
and it’ll go different directions.
And even though you think just flipping the direction wouldn’t do it,
it pulls and rubs that muscle in a different way,
and it is phenomenal. And again,
this one allows me to put.
This one. It does plug in.
It’s got a pretty long cable.
But this one allows me to also put it down here on those hip bones
where, for whatever reason,
my hip bones my. Like,
right here, where it connects from your hip into your back.
That thing gets so sore, and probably it’s sore right now
from riding in the car to and from California this week.
But I can just put it behind me while I’m sitting in my chair.
It’s so good. It is so good,
this thing. Hundred,
hundred percent worth every stinking penny.
I paid for it, and it wasn’t that many pennies.
there are, um,
intensities as well on there.
And I like that you just put your arms through it.
You kind of let your arms relax,
which relaxes my shoulders while I do it.
It comes with a carrying case,
so when I go traveling now,
I can take it with me. Like I said,
I had the other one, and it.
It worked great on the neck and the shoulder,
but it. This one just hits in a different spot.
So I’m. I’m glad I have them both,
but if I could only get one,
I would get this one. So anyway,
I’m gonna link this one here.
I’m gonna have you guys check it out for yourself.
If you also have a lot of
just neck and upper shoulder pains and aches and whatever,
you know, just to put it on the light pressure and have that heat
and just relieve that tension from the.
From the day, especially if you’re at a computer all day,
100% it is so worth it.
So anyway, I’m gonna link it here.
I’m gonna go put this over by my work chair
so that I can pull it up and do it throughout the day.
When I’m starting to feel that pressure and that tension in my neck
from staring at the computer and,
I guess, angrily doing work,
I don’t know. I don’t know what.
Why I’m so tense. Anyway,
I’m headed off to the chiropractor
so they can do that and get me all right,
and then I’ll come home and keep doing this in between to.
To keep it loosened up and less.
Less stress balled. I will see you on the next video,
and you can check it out right there.