Unlocking the Technique Behind Vocal Cracking: A Guide to Controlled and Purposeful Voice Breaks

then on the “I try to get all up in your mind”
I hear that I hear that on the “I”
she cracks a little bit on purpose and that makes it quite spicy
let’s listen to that again
you need to learn how to crack on command and this is very
very important
a lot of times we are afraid of cracking and you just need to let it be
because in this case cracking is a technique
she’s not cracking because she can’t sing
that she’s not cracking because her voice was tired
she cracked on purpose
try to crack on purpose ah
imagine imagine you’re back in high school or maybe you’re in high school
your voice is changing ah
you don’t know what’s happening to yourself hmm
now I make it look easy and funny probably
but it’s um it takes
takes practice right
you’re gonna have to practice this a bunch of times ah
how am I doing this?
try to go up with your chest voice until you can’t go any farther
and you switch to head voice
in that space between the chest voice and the head voice
that’s where you’re gonna hear the switch and if you stay right there
that is the crack I’m gonna go for a random low note uh
and that’s when it happens
and try to stay there and it sounds funny and it is funny
but you have to do it all once you get that we have the “I try”
she starts the “I” ah ah with the same onset ha ha ha placement
and I feel like exactly at that moment she just relaxes her diaphragm
let’s go of the placement and just gives up
try to do that ha ha ha
let it be ha ha try
ha ha try ha try
ha try is super super
super quick right
um I wonder if I can do it an octave higher I I try
ah ah it’s a little moan even
ah ah ah I try
to get all up in your mind
all right get practicing and I’ll see you next time bye bye