Trading Bot Update: Learning from Mistakes and Improving Strategies

Hey guys, here’s an update on the trading bot.
So officially we’re down $10.
So since we started with $100,
that’s 10% that we’re down.
I will say the first $5 I lost because of stupid mistakes.
Like sometimes I switch the buy and sell in the code and stuff.
I don’t know how I did that,
but that’s where the first $5 went.
The second $5 that I lost
was because I left the bot running with the most completed
I guess algorithm that I had.
So we’re gonna say the bot is down about 5% since we started with 95
and we lost five. And the bot made about 20 trades total.
I didn’t keep track of how many wins and losses there were though.
I will be updating it and adding it.
So once I do that,
I will also keep track of the wins and losses for the next update.
I did take some screenshots of the trade,
so I’m gonna show you guys that.
So here’s one of the trades it did. Uh,
definitely on the bad side
because this is a buy, that’s a sell.
So we can see that the bought bought up here because it thought,
I guess maybe the closing price is about here,
which is higher than this high.
So it thought it was gonna go up,
but then it ended up going down.
This is another one of the trades that it made.
This is actually really good trade So it’s sold here,
shorted it and then the stock went all the way down here
and then it bought once it saw it coming up.
I started making better trades like this
because I changed it from looking at every candle
to looking at every six candles or so
or every six minutes there’s another trade that it made.
And this is another good sell trade.
So it shorted up here and then it bought back down here.
Not sure which trade this was,
but this was one of the I think highest profiting trades where we made.
¢29. Yeah,
that’s everything I have to show for today’s update.
I’m going to be adding something called RSI,
which as of what I know right now,
I think it tells us
whether the stock is being over bought or over sold.
So it’s another signal that the bot can use.
So hopefully this increases the performance.
Cause right now the bot is very,
very naive
where it’s looking only at the last candle and the candle before it.
So it’s like it’s not taking any of the other data that it has.
And I think RSI uses the last 50 candles or so
to make its calculations for it.
Not too sure I’m speaking out my butt,
but we’ll see how it works.
And I’ll take you guys again,
but I’ll see you guys later. Bye.