Navigating the Weight Loss Journey: Reflections from a Class Attendee

Good morning. Oh, oh, excuse me, my stomach this morning. What a thing to start with. Patricia, how are you doing? I wouldn’t say it wasn’t coming cuz I’m always coming. But I woke this morning with like a stomach that was kind of, I don’t know what you call that, like flipping over, like a nervous stomach. And I didn’t know why. I couldn’t figure it out and I didn’t understand why. And it wasn’t anything from below and it wasn’t anything from here. And I didn’t, you know, I didn’t feel sticker didn’t need to go to the toilet. I tried both and nothing happened. So I thought, well, there’s no usually a reason for a nervous stomach, but I couldn’t understand what it was. But anyway, I just played on and I done a better work in the house first and got myself after class. That was probably one of the last.

Alright, actually, it’s not like me. I didn’t never not want to go to class. There’s other things that come into my head that puts me off going to class. But on that note, I don’t know how many of you go to a class that I’m very aware that there are so many different, you know, types of class. I obviously go to Unislam. I’ve been going to Unislam now for, gosh, is it too three years? I don’t know much between a two and a half years. And it has to be so previous that I had gone to with watchers, I’ve been at with watches for many years and then we watches pull the plug and island as a whole and we as our class that was previous Weight Watchers, we then moved over to stayed with the same leader and she went with you. We were quite happy to go with her. And to be perfectly honest with you, that we’re all really happy to stay. And I enjoy and I think I enjoy Unislam so much more than I ever enjoyed with watchers. There’s no restrictions. You just have to use your common sense, which is, hello, it’s all built into as we just have to instigate it. But anyway, apart from that, I just want to know, whereas some of you, most of you, I think that follows me, somebody would send me private message, somebody message on this, create comments or whatever. And then all of a sudden I go to class, I go, this week I lost. This week I didn’t lose this week, whatever we all with all, let me tell you, all of the same battle, don’t we? But whatever class you go to, so I have no discrimination to whichever you go to. There’s so many, I couldn’t even mention them. But the reason we go to class is to be in my eyes.

Excuse me. You know what I’m like? You’re accountable. You want to be accountable. You want to lose weight. That is the main object. You want to lose weight, but you also want to be accountable for yourself. Click all. Do that at home. People say when you do it at home, because I need to be accountable. I need somebody to tell me, you have a prano, you have a half a prano off, whatever it happens to be.

But I love going to the class. It’s not an advert for Unislam. Sounds like it is. But today, like I’m doing this a long time as you, most of you are, most of us are in the same boat. There’s nothing different of me. And sometimes I look at myself and I’m thinking, Trisha, you’re no different from when you started. Yes, I did lose three and a half stone. Yes, I put some of the back on a good bit of back on. And that struggle is real. Not stole, to get that off. It’s getting harder. But I am not a creator and a never well base. So I stick at it.

And then, as I say, for all those reasons, I’m still going to class. But sometimes you just get sick of watching what you eat. There’s no good saying you don’t. So what does that lead to somebody going on a bench? Does that lead somebody saying, Jesus, I’m gonna off the rails, I can’t above this any longer? Or do you just kind of stick out it, you know, I’m a consistency kind of girl, so I kind of try my best to stick at it. I try and move as much as I can. But sometimes you just say, and it happens, me, I mean, you’ve all heard me. And sometimes you just get sick. Accountant, whatever it is, you’re kind. You know, I’m don’t I have no crams. There’s so many different things out there. We all kind, but most of the, it really boils down the calories, what comes in and what you burn off is really the whole gist of it.

But today in class, I think I’ve had a lot of important classes. And that to me, Karen hit the nail in the head today. So she said to us today, there’s a difference. So some people over the summer cut to what I’m should be talking about. So during the summer, we’ve had the summer holidays here now. So this is the lab. And, well, in Northern Ireland anyway, and Ireland as a whole, most of the kids are off now, from now till CRE, I was gonna say Christmas till September. And England, and I don’t know about, I think Scott can cover, but like Northern London, Ireland, but I know that England, they don’t finish well. I was I was I went to skin England, so they don’t finish till the end of July. But here, this is the last, pretty much the last week of school. So parents, grandparents, whatever will have a lot of distractions, let’s say some people that probably need their time. And so that means that usually takes a hit is going to their classes of whatever classes they go to. So Slemmin World with watchers, slim with whoever, and Unislem sometimes take a hit. So what she was saying today is instead of taking the summer off, and some people say, actually, that’ll be me night of September, and she’s saying, she’s telling us about this other lady that done that. And when she come back in September, she had three stone on her. And I’m gonna tell you something that is so easily done.

Because when you take your foot off the pedal, whichever pedal it is, like even when we’ve all been on holidays, you think you come back and say, oh my God, what? But usually when you’re on holidays, you’re moving more than you would be if you’re at home. Like you go on day trips and you do all those activities and things like that when you’re away. So when you’re at home and you take your foot off the pedal and then you get to the stage, you think, oh, well, here there’s nobody watching me. As in watching as in going to a class, being a kind of a blah, blah, you know, you do tend to over eight and when we over eight, we’ll come back to what I saying there’s more going in that’s been burned off. You’re gonna gain a lot of it. So she said to the instead of taken instead of taking a break, as in at 2 months break, give yourself a couple of days, give yourself a weekend, give yourself a week that you say, I am not gonna count something. I am just gonna not do as a place because that’s stupid. But you know, I’m not gonna kind things. I’m just going to relax. I think that’s the word, take the pressure off myself. I put enough a lot of pressure myself just coming on every Tuesday. It doesn’t seem like it, I’m sure, to Malley’s, but sometimes I’d be really nervous. Excuse me, I’d be really nervous about pressing the button to record because I think 1, there’s second lesson to me too. I don’t look any different than I did six months ago. Why are they followed me? And that all builds up in my pressure. If you don’t mean like, why am I doing this? You know, who’s interested? Okay, but I do know on the other hand, when I flip the other side of the coin, I know that we’re all in the same boat. You see my foundation, we’re all the same boat. And I know that so many years, it just sets with you, resonated, it resonates with so many of you were all doing the same thing. We’re all in the same hamster wheel. We’re all trying to just keep ourselves aware those docs to surgeries and keep ourselves a bit fitter.

Unlike I know I have created so many benefits for myself. I’m in a, I’m much more healthy than ever was, but I’m not there yet and I’m far from it. Like I’d really like to give myself even, you know, and not sometimes get caught, my belly get caught in the steering wheel, get out of the car. Granted us a low side car, but it’s still getting stuck. So I’d rather not have the big belly sitting there. I’d rather, loads of things. I’d rather won the lottery, but those things just don’t happen unless you put the work in. And Karen said today was sometimes you have to feel uncomfortable, make yourself feel uncomfortable to create the results. And I think she’s right. I have been sailing along at the same old pace. So really what I’ve been doing is for most this year is just kind of maintaining up and down, up and then kind of one on, one off, one on today I kind of maintain. So there was not how much happen there, but I think a lot of people feel the same as me.

So like Karen said, instead of taking a break for the summer, take a pause for 3,4 days, possibly the week, no more, and give yourself like time to recharge the batteries and say, right, because sometimes he just gets sick of Canton. He gets sick of been in that, on that hamster wheel just going around and. Right. And doing the same old thing, eating the same foods.

You know, 21 next week and it doesn’t really affect me because gene just does his own thing. And we’ve offered him a lot of different things to do. He just wants a boss to go to Donny goal with all his friends and that. So I’m not gonna the Buster done it. All his friends would be glad to hear that one. But we’ll be sorting out and we’ll get in all those things and we’ll have a nice mail out. But, you know, there’s nothing different about that. Loads was great for meals every weekend and we survive the very best. So I’m gonna love you and leave you that I have to again talk for too long. You be sleeping. But I just thought today’s class was brilliant. And I, that’s the one thing I do love about Unislam. To me, it’s, it’s normal. It sits and it gives you the information that it gives you. Like it’s took us, it’s took me 30 odd years to realize that what goes in has to be burned off or be less than is going to be burned off to create any kind of success. And that’s really whole justice. But just watch what’s going in and move a bit more. I should see is all later.