Exploring the Outdoors with Charlie: A Visually Impaired Adventure

hi everyone welcome to Charlie Cam
I’m visually impaired and we are going to go today
um for a bike ride with Charlie
so let’s get right into it
you wanna go in the forest?
You wanna go walkies you wanna get your harness on?
oh you do the big stretch
In you go, put your little noggin in
and we are ready
safety first always very important
so you have Charlie’s antenna with his leash and his harness
oh that looks like it fits perfect
ah yeah
that’s better, turn the bike on
ready to go Charlie
going forward go ahead
good boy
and now we have to open this door
ow ow
ow ow
ow ow ow
go Charlie
I suck at this, okay
alright I got it
and we are all good there we go
okay go forward Charlie
try to go ahead go forward
right now he has a good rhythm
he knows exactly where we’re going
I’m only on first speed so that means I don’t have to do anything
and yeah Charlie will take me through the rest
go obviously
until we get to the main road
so that Charlie gets accustomed to what he has to do
I stay on the sidewalk and he knows he has to pull up this one there you go
okay onby
I’m by I’m by
I’m by
good boy and now I don’t have to do anything
no need to pedal no need to give him assistance
I’m only 47 kilos so I’m very light
and my bike is very light
so just cruising
letting him getting up the speed
he gets to choose a speed he wants
I don’t force him in any way whatsoever
I put up my speed into second or third
I go into third speed up the hill
just so I can give him a little bit of assistance
uh I can hear
there’s no cars behind me
so we’re all good and whenever I feel he starts to get tired
I just take him off the leash
and he gets to choose his speed
he doesn’t have to pull
and of forcing him into doing something he doesn’t wanna do
if he gets tired he needs a break
then we just stop
it’s important to build up um
speed and endurance softly in these sports
you don’t wanna go too fast
too quickly and tire up your dog
and he knows exactly where he’s going right now
and we go hop
hop hop hop
hop hop
ha ha good boy
there you go Charlie
and it goes on its own
uphill like this is also great for him
helps him build more muscle
oh we’re gonna wait Charlie
good boy
and we’re just gonna let them go to the side
good boy what Charlie
I’m by forward
I’m bi I’m bi I’m bi*Lady gives me signal to go*