Navigating Boiling Waters: A Rational Examination of Political Parties and Socioeconomic Impact

What I’m about to walk you through
might cause some cognitive dissonance for some folks,
but I think it’s important
cause I think a lot of us pride ourselves on being rational,
good decision makers. And I saw some surprising information
when I started trying to look at this election rationally.
I put this prompt in a ChatGPT
asking it to evaluate the two parties over the last 44 years.
And the results may surprise you.
The first was GDP. So basically
how much revenue has America been generating under each president?
And I was surprised to learn
that we tend to generate a little bit more GDP under Democrats.
Then I went to deficits.
I already knew that Democrats were gonna take the hit here
cause Democrats are always spending so much.
So imagine my surprise when I found out that actually
the deficit tends to be lower under Democrats.
And often a lot of that happens because of the tax cuts
that happen under Republicans.
Because someone has to pay for all those tax cuts
that they are giving the wealthy.
Inflation again. This was one where I was pretty sure
that the Democrats were gonna lose
and ultimately it seems like a wash.
But Democrats have had a little bit less inflation now.
Job creation was when I thought Republicans might win
because with all of this tax cuts for the rich
and all the corporations having all these benefits,
they are supposed to take all that Money and create more jobs.
But as it turns out, actually Democrats have tended to create more jobs.
Crime is honestly kind of a wash.
I wouldn’t really give it to any party though.
Clinton is the one that drove down the crime rate
after the high crime 80s. And chat GPT kind of gave that to Democrats.
Said I wanted to know about crisis management,
so how are they going to respond when there are these major crises
like wars and pandemics? And apparently
Democrats have a better track record of navigating crises
then I wanted to get into how different people might think.
So for lower income people,
which party is better? According to Chat GPT,
Republican policies tend to benefit those of higher incomes.
Democratic policies tend to benefit those of lower incomes.
So someone who’s lower income would vote democratic.
Now middle class you might start expecting this to shift. Right,
because Republicans
say a lot of things that are supposed to help the middle class,
but it looks like that just has never played out
and so democratic policies tend to benefit the middle class as well.
Of course, once you start looking at the richest Americans,
it starts to make more sense for them to vote for the Republicans.
Then I asked just one more question.
Which is what if
someone is actually trying to vote
in a way that is best for the American people?
And it again broke it down by each Group.
And at that point, if they care about the American people,
even the richest of Americans would be voting for Democrats.
So I’m curious if any of this surprises you,
and are you going to be making a rational decision
when you walk into the voting booth?