Bandido Blanco Tequila: A Fresh and Clean Pop of Citrus and Agave

On today’s Fresh Pop,
we’re gonna crack into some of this Bandero tequila.
This is Bandero Blanco.
The bottle is shaped like a canteen with a little leather wrapping.
Oh, I like that pop.
I like that pour. Let me give it a nice little nose and oh, fresh, clean,
cooked, agave.
And maybe a little slight hint of sweetness.
Clear coloring in there cause it’s a silver. Let’s give it a taste.
Citrus, agave,
slight bit of pepper on there.
Oh yeah, boy,
you like a fresh, clean Blanco?
A little bit of pepper, a little bit of heat.
Oh, you got something.
You better grab you some Bandido.
Jonesman com, baby.