Mastering the Art of Egg Making: A review of the versatile egg maker gifted by my mother-in-law

My birthday, my mother in law got me this egg maker,
and I was so excited to use it because we literally make eggs, like,
every day. And you can do poached eggs,
egg bites, or I think you can do hard boiled eggs in here, too.
So you take the insert out and you pour some water in there,
and then you put the in insert back in.
And now you’re gonna crack an egg into each hole.
Then you’re gonna put the lid on when you’re done,
and it’s gonna steam the eggs in the little baskets there.
And when the green light turns off,
that means it’s done. The amount of water that you put in the basin
is gonna determine how well your eggs are cooked.
So if you like a runny yolk,
you’re gonna put less water in.
It took me about maybe five minutes because it was in between.
It was kind of a medium one.
And look how cute these are.
They turned out so great.
I’m just gonna flop it over on the plate for my son,
and salt and pepper separate.
Then I’m gonna make two more for my older son.
And I will say you have to clean it really well in between each use.
I found out in the basket that you put on top of the basin,
there’s two little vents. And you’re gonna see here in just a second
that I didn’t clean it very well.
So Those vents were clogged,
and that second egg turned out really bad.
But he was fine with it, and we love it. Have a good day.