Discovering New Adventures Together: A Conversation About the Joy of Marriage

is being married fun?
fudge yes
is being married fun? that’s what you said right?
yeah yes
did you say yes?
what do you like about it?
everything like the stuff that we do
like we just figure out new adventures
like everyday like the aquarium tomorrow
alright say it one more time
the aquarium tomorrow
what about it?
what about it I’m excited
I’m excited
ha ha ha right
you know what I really love though
say that one more time sorry
you know what I really love though?
is how we contrast each other right
like me I have patience and you don’t have patience
that’s what I love is like we balance each other out
I said that we balance each other out
we what?
okay okay
sorry I didn’t hear you
you’re not speaking clear today
I’ll enunciate better
in what way do we balance each other out
I’m really willing to keep the emotions down
and make sure that we don’t say stuff that we don’t mean
I’m sorry I didn’t hear what you were saying
I’m willing to keep the emotions down-