Concord: The New PlayStation Game That’s Bombing on Steam – A Review

Concord is bombing on steam if you missed it.
It’s a new PlayStation game that launched on PS five and PC this week.
That’s like Overwatch combined with Valorant
and a little bit of destiny
and basically no one is playing it.
The peak player count on PC was 697 players on launch day,
and it’s only gone downhill from there.
As I’m recording this on Saturday afternoon,
the middle of the weekend when everybody should be playing games.
It’s sitting at a being 398 players on steam now.
Of course,
steam player accounts are just a part of the overall player account,
and there are probably more people playing on PS five.
But I mean, if it’s got 700 players on PC,
how many more could possibly be playing on PlayStation?
What’s wild about this is the people that played the beta
actually liked it. It’s a solid game.
Plus it’s only forty bucks with no battle passes or micro transactions.
Just a good old fashioned video game.
there’s no getting around the fact that Concorde just looks kind of
The best comment that I’ve seen is that it looks like a video game
and a TV show where they can’t say Overwatch,
but they just make something that looks kind of like Overwatch.
For a live service game that needs a player base to survive,
these numbers are not looking good.
But let me know down below
what do you think about these launch day player Counts.
And are you gonna play Concord