Caught on Tape: The Hilarious Crack Saga with Mom and Beanie

I let you in.
Oh, now
you want to videotape me talking about you bringing in the crack
at the house?
It’s the cherry ones. You don’t like the.
I love them all.
How could you? How could you bring the crack in the house?
How could you quietly eat it in your room and eat it in front of me
and not say, here,
you want a piece of crack, mom?
Haha! Huh?
Is there a reason why you don’t want to end your mom to have any crack?
Huh? Huh?
Am I not worthy of the crack?
Right, beanie?
Right? Even the dog knows. She’s
like, it’s okay,
it’s okay,
don’t worry about it.
She’s trying to soothe me
cause you’re over there eating the crack in front of me.
It’s still not gonna give me one.
You’re gonna make me choke.
Then I’ll get all the crack.
Oh dang it! Yeah,
right, beanie?
Right, beanie? Yeah.
Okay. Can I get a piece of crack,
mom? I’ve been a good girl.
I did dishes, I washed laundry,
I pet the dog. Look,
I pet the dog. Nice,
mom, would you like a Twizzler?
Ah, the crack!
Yes, thank you.
Hi. Why is it so hard?
Just don’t give me anymore
and don’t leave them unattended.
That’s all I’m saying.
A little piece of crack won’t hurt, right?
My reason for coming in here is that you might not want to record this.