2025 Trend Report: Resurgence of LA, Illuminati’s Return, and Wasp Core Aesthetics

And we’re back for another trend report.
We haven’t done one in a while.
And I’m gonna kind of get to why we haven’t been doing these as much.
Um, I think that’s part of the trends of what’s going on.
But I also wanna go ahead and let the record say
that most of the trends that I put forth a year ago
are now coming to fruition.
No one is shooting as high of a percentage as I am when it comes to
and spotting. I need a consulting gig, y’all.
For a low, low six figures a month retainer,
I’m available to consult for your company.
And you know, you might make the money back if you do that.
What is, do you think is the most prominent, like,
trend that you actually called?
I don’t remember what they were.
You guys watch. Why don’t you watch the trend reports and comment below?
Cause all I know is
everything that I saw in the mirror six months ago
is now coming to fruition.
A year ago is now coming to fruition.
All right, so here’s the thing.
The reason we haven’t done a trend report in a while
as I think there’s a general stagnation in our culture
and like, trends,
yes, micro trends are coming and going,
like, faster than ever,
but the macro overall trends are really stagnant
if you’ve been dressing the same for like four years now.
So I’ll do a full,
separate Video kind of explaining my thought process on this.
Let’s talk about the trends that I do see coming in,
I guess. All right,
this one, obviously the self serving one.
LA is coming back, especially Melrose.
The way that everyone was in LA and on Melrose five,
six, seven years ago,
like they’re during the Soundcloud era.
I think that’s gonna kind of come back.
The problem I’m having with,
I think a lot of people are having with New York.
And I’m not besmirching New York,
you guys know I love New York,
but it’s just like every neighborhood is now overrun with, like,
awful finance people, you know?
Like, they’re like in the fucking West Village,
now they’re in the East Village,
they’re starting to move to the lower.
Like, it’s just a proliferation of, like,
Murray Hill ass people.
I think a lot of people are gonna Wanna move to LA for the weather,
move to LA for the cost of living.
I see LA kind of having a resurgence.
Not to say that New York’s gonna like,
like fall off and never will,
but I think LA is gonna have a resurgence,
especially culture. Yeah.
Cali vibes, bro.
Next one, Illuminati.
You’re coming back in a big way.
There’s a lot of Illuminati talk throughout the 20 tens.
I mean, they let fucking Rick Ross in.
That’s kind of crazy. How do you know that?
Everyone knows that.
I think the Illuminati are big on franchising restaurants,
so I think That’s kind of hit.
That was his foothold. And,
you know, I think they’re.
They’ve been in the shadows for long enough.
I think they’re ready to push their new world order on people.
I think they are rested and ready for a strong 24 25.
New metal. Greatest genre of music of all time.
Talking Limp Biscuit, talking papa Roach,
talking corn.
This is kind of been bubbling for a lot of people for a long time,
but I think, like,
the egregiousness of this music and the aesthetics around it
are finally coming back into style.
And I think that, like,
everyone hating this for what it is,
which they’re not wrong to do,
is going to fall off.
People who are really start embracing just the tunes,
the tunes of the time. Late 90s,
early 2, a lot of angst in the world.
Do you think that white guys with dreads are gonna come back?
No. Fuck, no.
Get the fuck out of my face with that.
Big, oversized shirts.
Wasp core. In general.
This also goes in with no socks with your shoes in the summertime.
All three of these things are just general in a garden.
Ask head, ask core.
Like, you know,
how real rich, old people dress?
Big, oversized white shirts,
like, button UPS.
What? What you see,
like, an old,
rich woman in the Upper East Side kind of wearing
when she’s just running around,
you know, she’s gonna be wearing some Loafers,
some belgiums, probably no socks.
Just like. Yeah,
like, Waspy aesthetics,
you know? Like,
Ralph Lauren is huge. Ralph’s a big part of that.
LOL. Bean,
you know, Laura and stuff.
But I really think, like.
Like the white people Ralph Lauren aesthetic
looking like a Jake Wolf. Look at all the menswear girlies.
Look at all these people.
They’re pushing all these fucking brands that are really just like
Ralph through another lens.
Just go buy a vintage Ralph.
Mushrooms are out. The psychedelic? Yeah. Really?
Yeah. There’s nothing less cool than doing mushrooms.
That seems very in line with the Illuminati’s plan.
I don’t know. I don’t know nothing about that.
I’m not in the Illuminati.
Yeah, mushrooms are out.
I think people are gonna stop microdosing.
They realize that it’s fucking stupid.
It doesn’t do anything for you.
It’s like, you might as well just.
Again, this is just like when I said if you smoke pot in the morning,
you might as well just drink a Smirnoff airplane bottle in your car
on the way to work. Like,
it’s the same thing.
You’re getting fucked up in the early in the day is crazy,
regardless of what you’re taking.
Like, chill the fuck out.
Mushrooms are out. Deeply uncool,
deeply burnt.
If you can’t handle reality without taking a fucking psychedelic,
like, I don’t know what the fucking tell you.
Like, get it together.
Kissing a missionary is in.
Missionaries back in back.
Shots are Out? Why are they out?
We talked about this a second ago.
We weren’t on camera. You know how they talk about how, like,
Porno has skewed everyone’s brain and, like,
made like, like removed love and human connection from sex?
Back shots are the physical embodiment of that.
It’s all about true, genuine human connection.
It’s true. Back shots are barbaric.
We know this. Yeah.
Back shots are evil.
Last one is American theme stuff.
Back in style.
Everyone’s gonna be dressing like Joel Santana in that one picture
next year in Times Square.
Mark my fucking words.
The USA team shit at the polo store is fucking fire.
Ralph Calvin shit is amazing.
Like the American flags coming back.
Not a symbol of hate. Symbol of the strongest country in the world, baby.
Feel like this is also in line with the Illuminati’s plan. Really?
It’s Illuminati coded, what you’re doing.
You’re pushing many nationalist agendas right now. Dude,
best fucking country in the world.
I’m sorry this is not on some, like,
hateful shit. Every time I leave the country for more than a week,
I cannot wait to get back to America.
This is the best place on earth.
Like, yeah,
there’s a lot of fucked up shit going on,
but it’s better here. America’s so fucking sick.
At least New York and LA are,
you know, like,
I don’t. I don’t know what Kansas City is like,
but like, you know,
I fuck with it over Here. Yeah,
I love this shit. We’ll do a separate video maybe in a week or two
about just trend stagnation.
But those are the trends that I see going forward.
So write them down. Also. Yeah.
Again, comment below.
Which one of my trends that I correctly predicted is your favorite?