About Time: A Profoundly Moving and Underrated Must-Watch

if I can influence you on one thing
please let it be watching the movie
about time it is the best movie I have ever seen
I’ve never met anyone who’s watched it
and oh
my gosh you guys
it is so profoundly moving
but it’s funny it’s sweet
it captures all the emotion
if you want an incredible movie that will move you to tears
but won’t make you too sad
you will literally think about it for year
you will watch it when you’re happy
when you’re sad when you’re angry
when you need to chill out
it is the perfect movie for you
and I truly cannot explain
how many people I have tried to influence to watch this movie
and no one will listen to me
spoiler free synopsis what is it about
it is an unexpected love story
that’s all I’ll say and that is all I need to say
please please watch this movie
or if you’ve seen this movie
please let me know if you liked it or not
because it is a movie that means so much to me
it’s so beautiful it’s so moving
and it’s so slept on and Domnhall Gleason
I think that’s his name is the star of the movie
he’s incredible one of Margot Robbie’s first roles
you guys please watch it
and then come back to this video and let me know what you thought
because I guarantee you will be so pleasantly surprised by it
it’s the best movie ever