Rate My Physique: Get Expert Feedback on Your Proportion, Symmetry, and Posing for Improved Muscle Mass and Performance

if you’ve always wanted a secondary opinion or some feedback on your physique
and you got stage photos or if you’re in your off season at the moment
and you want me to take a look at how that’s going um
now’s the chance cause I’m doing a new format for content
it’s called rate my physique
and essentially what I want is physiques to rate
and I wanna look at your proportion
your symmetry your posing
your muscle mass and suggest ways that you can improve
I think it’d be a really cool
fun way for people to learn
but also for you to get some value and
and ways that you can sort of accelerate your training and your nutrition
so if you wanna be involved guys
pop your name in the question box below
and you might be the first physique that I rate