Morning Madness: A Day in the Life of Dealing with ADT Alarm System and Breakfast Adventures

Brush your teeth with me. Slow to. Come on. Let me just cut your meals. You look like you got acrylic tips. You look like you got acrylic tips. Okay, I’m gonna make Maria breakfast and make it myself. A lemon water.

Yeah, so many people commented on that post Eagle Lake and that’s where my mother’s little vacation trailer is. I mean, obviously, I wasn’t gonna tell you exactly where it was at the exact time. Anyway, our trip actually got cut short.

Thanks to ADT. I have an ADT alarm system and I also have the smoky tactile. Since I moved in this house and had the ADT installs, I have had issues with this smoky tactile like you have no idea. I mean, even on some of my cooking videos, you see my smoky tactic is always going off. And honestly, half the time it’s not even smoking.

So normally when this multi tactic goes off, they call my cell phone and they say, listen, we have an alert of a fire in the residence. Are you there? Right. And if you’re not there, they send the fire department. So I mean, 95% of time I’m there because where do I go? I’m home all this time. Where do I go? But the one time that I’m not home and I have my kids away and they’re calling me telling me that the smoke detect is going off, what do I do? I not dispatch the fire department? Of course I’m gonna dispatch the fire department because now I don’t know if my house is burning down, right? The smoke detector had a low battery. I don’t know like the connections of the smoke detector, like when it goes off, it signals a ton of people, like the fire department, DVT, you know, when the small detector battery is low, it’s gonna just go off randomly for no reason. This is what she’s telling me. I’m like, okay, okay. So obviously I had no idea my smoky texture was loud, you know, that I never got an alert that there was a low battery or else I would have changed it, obviously. But she basically on the phone was like, well, there’s really nothing we could do. So every time it goes off, we’re gonna call you to dispatch the fire department. And she’s like, I can only shut off transmissions for 24 hours. So basically, I was gonna be up there. This thing was gonna be going off cuz it was, it just kept coming off like within an hour went off like 3,4 times. So and it’s loud as . Then I have to have like my neighbors come out. Then I’m getting the phone call like, do you wanna send the flight department? And I’m like, I don’t know, gossip. And I say no. And my house is burning. Like I just could not have rested there, like knowing that was going on. I’m asking ADP, I’m like, this, there’s really nothing else you can do. So they were like, yeah, I don’t know what you wanna do. That’s what they said. Like, I, yeah, I don’t know. You can’t really do anything for you.

And I was like, so 6:30 at night, I packed up my kids to go home because the next day my husband had to be in Manhattan for work. He was gonna go to Manhattan from my Pennsylvania house. I mean, I have everything there. Really no reason for me to leave the community. Like I had everything I needed in the house. So our plan was he was gonna go to Manhattan for the day and then come back. And we were gonna stay up there till like Thursday, Friday. And my mindsets going, and I’m like, no way I’m gonna be able to stay up here peacefully tomorrow knowing I have no car and golf with the alarm keeps going off and I’m getting these phone calls all day with my kids. Like I’m mentally just picking myself out of that equation. Okay, so I said, let’s just go home tonight, you know, and we’ll just plan to come out more. It is what it is. And I’m driving home and I’m like five minutes from my house and I’m like, my body’s hanging out the window because the road rage I had in me, I wasn’t driving these two children in front of us. It was like a pickup truck and some little car. They’re like recording each other as a driving. And I record for a living. I know it’s annoying. I get it. But I am not inconvincing anybody when I’m whipping out my camera. I have two kids in the back that I’m literally like hitting them to stay up, don’t go to sleep. And I’m watching YouTube like freaking Mario 64. I’m really 18. Not, absolutely not. Because they’re like talking to each other and slamming on the brakes like that. Dangerous. Guys, park your car and have your conversation. And that was my rant from Peer, New Jersey. So now I’m home and I’m gonna go check out my garden today and go out there yet it’s only like 7:00. Mario has went up since like 6:30. No problem. I’m gonna make us some ham and eggs. Then I realized I had no eggs. So a girl cheese it was with ham on it.

I left this watermelon home. I was gonna bring it. Women in Pennsylvania.

Smells good.

I’m only cutting half the watermelon right now. And we just like cut it as we eat it, you know, should be like a counter snack for now for my kids. Let’s taste. That used to be cold. Serapina just wants yogurt and some watermelon. Shouldn’t really eat a big breakfast in the morning, just having this cookies and cream. Chubani flip his Marielle is ham and grilled cheese. Give hard watermelon, too, and they’re ready for breakfast. Using whenever I got in this fridge, which isn’t much right now.

Let’s go.

I know you’re so cool with Mariela. She really likes taking out me above. Not sure buddy. She’ll always be a buddy. I’ll make sure that not good. I’m gonna reject it anyway, but not good worrying about it. It didn’t remain. What is the point of having? It doesn’t make sense. See, there’s more better and when there’s not, look at your chin showing by some moment for you. Hey, when apply final kid the shield. Delicious. I’m just gonna let this sit on my counter and rest until we’re ready to eat.