Title suggestion: Soccer Movies Review: Alien Romulus, Trap, and More

Soccer movies. I’m not gonna do videos on them,
so why not share my thoughts on the movies here?
I saw Trap, Alien Romulus,
and of course I saw Deadpool and Wolverine.
But Deadpool and Wolverine already kind of gave my thoughts about it.
It’s not for me. It’s for some thirteen year old boy out there,
and I hope that they like it,
and I hope that they, like,
really do find some sort of kinship within it,
but it wasn’t for me. Talking a little bit more in depth,
I loved Alien Romulus. It was my first time watching an alien movie,
and it kind of just got me hyped to watch the other alien movies.
So I’m probably gonna sit down pretty soon
and watch all the alien movies
because Alien Romulus was like,
so good. I love Kaylee Spainy.
I love the entire cast. That I was so fun
and I love the concept. I loved the like, ending.
I thought it was so scary
and it like, gave me like, chills.
I was literally so grossed out
and I loved every single part of it.
Like, usually I’m not one to like alien movies,
but that one, that one’s up there,
like, with me.
And this is coming from someone who hasn’t watched the originals,
but that alien movie was kind of like up there for me with like,
a rival. And I love a rival so much.
Next is trap by none other than M.
Night Shyamalan. And if you know me,
I actually kind of am an M.
Night Shyamalan stand. Like,
I really do like split in glass.
Like, I thought those movies were like,
so funny. I think that old was like,
in very. Like two and a half to three star movie.
But I kind of like it after like,
like sitting on it for a few years.
I’m kind of like. Actually,
those kind of everything. I love knock at the cabin and obviously
I love the night at the museum classics.
But in the recent years,
I have really liked the last night at the museum.
Movie that I really liked was not gonna cabin.
So I went in to seeing trap with such high expectations
that I was gonna love it. I was like, okay,
this is like, giving, like,
the chase. I love this kind of cat and mouse game.
I love Josh Hartnett. I thought that, like,
it was gonna be so my vibe,
and it’s so. Wasn’t I?
Literally after, like, this.
This middle of the movie, so,
like, the second act,
I was actually so done with the movie.
I don’t know why, but I was really expecting a lot more from this movie,
and I. This is what sucks about it
is that, like,
I don’t like it,
but I don’t have a solution for what could make it better.
And that’s been frustrating me so bad
because it almost feels like Empty criticisms.
Like, I’m just saying
I don’t like it. To say I don’t like it.
Like, I don’t.
I just, like,
didn’t like the ending. I was expecting something a little bit more,
not scarier, but dramatic.
I think what we’re lacking,
like, some of the, like,
integral part, like,
integral characters. I felt like we’re kind of just, like,
mentioned, and they weren’t given, like,
any sort of arc or character development,
so a lot of them felt, like,
very empty. So, like,
the person that is hunting, uh,
Cooper, like,
the main guy of the movie,
like, she’s hunting him.
She’s a profiler for the case,
and we kind of don’t know, like,
why she gives a fuck so bad.
Like, I don’t know,
someone who, like,
grew up watching, like,
Criminal Minds, CSI,
and love those kind of, like,
chase shows and cases, like,
detective cases. Like,
I kind of wanted to know more about,
like, why she gave a fuck
and kind of, like,
the thought process into hunting him.
I thought she would have been a better character to flesh out,
but I was just really disappointed in this movie
because it kind of just felt like it was just at my vibe.
I wasn’t expecting some, like,
masterpiece, but I was something.
I was expecting something a little bit more fun,
especially at the last act.
I think, like,
I could deal with the slow middle act,
but I was expecting the last Act to be a lot more fun,
especially because, like,
that’s kind of where I find I’m not Shawna movies to be, like,
the most fun is that final act.
Like, regardless of whether, like,
the entire movie was bad or not,
like, that last act usually has, like,
a lot of interesting bits to talk about after.
And I feel like after this movie,
I was kind of left, like,
not really having a lot to say about, like,
not even, like,
a twist, just the ending in general.
I don’t need a movie to have a twist to be good,
and I don’t think that M.
Night Shyamalan has to make movies that have grand twist to be good.
But the ending just wasn’t good,
regardless if it was a twist or not.
I gave Deadpool Wolverine two stars on my letterbox.
I gave Alien Romulus. I think I gave it three and a half stars,
and then I gave trap. I haven’t even given it a star rating. It,
I think honestly, probably too,
is like, kind of like on par with that.
Like, I feel bad because I feel like I was meant to love that movie,
and I’m just sad that I didn’t like it.
But, um,
let me know if there’s any other movies you guys want me to talk about,
because I love watching movies.