Title: Strange Darling: An Enigmatic Masterpiece of 2024

did I just witness the best movie at 2024
you just you got it
there’s anyone to trust me on
this is it this is sincerely it
just go see this movie and that’s all I’m gonna say
just do it literally
just do it do it
do it do it
because I promise you
this movie is worth spending your hard earned money on a movie ticket
this is a movie you you gotta see in a theater
now I really want y’all to know absolutely nothing going in
so I’m gonna be the most vague reviewer as I possibly can on this app
the story itself absolutely fantastic
but what’s better is the way the story is conveyed
the two main actors Willa Fitzgerald and Kyle Garner
are just perfect now
the cinematography nowadays in most movies is really well done
but they absolutely let this DP just cook throughout this entire film
at least for me easily the best cinematography of 2024
I never give movies a 10 out of 10
and this is a 99.9% perfect movie
I only have one gripe with it
literally just one and for most of the movie I was like 10 out of 10 easy
but just at
come here just
just go go see this movie okay
seriously go see it
even if you do not absolutely fall in love with it
you’re gonna have a good time
especially since this movie came out of absolutely nowhere
alright I’m gonna put you down now
I’m gonna do a spoiler review at some point
but I’m gonna let this simmer for a little bit
go to the theater take your friends and family
go see strange darling
just just do it do it