Golden Glow: A Bold Yellow Makeup Transformation

Well, well, well, here we are again going back into the high temp path today. I’m gonna do a combo that might shock some of you, but it won’t shock all of you.

Yellow, I’m thinking. I’m feeling the yellows, maybe a touch of orange, but absolutely the scald shade because I can’t get enough that I will be using those golds. And yeah, we’re just gonna see what happens. I have a couple other of my like favorite yellow products here with me. So let’s go.

Wow, Brian and Ernie, right? Brian, my eyes really quickly, this is the melted shadow and ultra white. I’m obsessed with this as an eye primer. I’m gonna make it yellow, but I’m also gonna make it grind, which no one’s gonna be shocked about.

Starting off with the bright shade, the lightest yellow. I’m honestly gonna start by putting it on my brow bone. So like placing it. Yeah, yeah, literally placing right there. Hey, and just kind of like packing it down, like pressing it down instead of like swiping it down just to make sure that the placement is right. But also I want the pigment to like all be kind of sad thing. You know, wow, that looks really good for pale yellow and take it in a little bit under the brow as well. Then I kind of like, then I start to buff in the edges.

Oh yeah, now I’m gonna go in with summary. Summary, like summary, I bottom in like summary, like to sum something up, which is it the same? Is it spelled the same? Anyway, I’m going in with the yellow same brush. I’m just going to place it down like kind of in the crease and okay, okay, that is yellow and it was all yellow. Take it into the corner here too, like into my inner corner and really, wow, this yellow. Okay, gonna take it down on the lid. Oh, holy yellow. Okay. I’m gonna bring it up a little bit higher and I kind of figured I would, honestly, especially with this color, thinking thoughts, thinking thoughts. Okay, I’m gonna take scald and I’m gonna put it on outer V, but just kind of keep it a little bit lower, like just right here maybe. Yeah, so like almost have it be like a big smoky wing in a sense if you really like really think about it. Oh, I love that placement.

Now this is where I kind of have to like not fear if it doesn’t look the same and just kind of wing it and hope that it looks symmetrical ish.

Now my eyes aren’t symmetrical and I say this pretty much every time I do something and I’m like, I wanted to be symmetrical. Your eyes, my eyes, probably 99.9%. Actually, I would argue probably 100% of humans, but there’s probably one lizard person where everything is perfectly symmetrical. And I say that with respect. Our eyes are not symmetrical, different shapes and different sizes. There are different angles are different. Everything looks different. Okay, sometimes it depends on the day. Could be sleeping on your side. Maybe you had a lot of salt, your little puffy in one eye and the other. Who knows? Not me. That’s none of my business. But I say that because sometimes if you’re really frustrated that your eyeliner isn’t even or there’s not perfect symmetry with your eyeshadow, that’s okay, bestie. Your face isn’t perfectly and that’s cool and that’s beautiful and that’s wonderful too. And we should be celebrating it.

Woo. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. I’m just gonna kind of mess with the placement on this and kind of change and add in. You can go in and kind of sharpen the edges like with a Q tip or with your finger and just kind of like that. You could take a tissue, kind of roll around your finger and then use your nail do that. You could use tape. There are many different methods in order to get this kind of a line with your eyeshadow a little bit sharper or the shape that you desire. Really obsess with that. Right now. I kind of want a little tiny touch of that right in the inner corner. This, I might regret this, but I also could love this. So let’s see like the tiniest bit, like truly right here. And that is it, right? Little bit. Yeah, that’s literally a me. I love that.

I hit pan on my M ONE TWELVE yesterday and I love the shade so much. Jessica, you’ve heard me talk about Jessica million, billion times and I will continue to talk about because give credit where credit is due. And M ONE TWELVE, fantastic. Actually, a lot of these shades are Jessica. So Jessica, love you. You know that. I know that essentially I’m gonna prime my lower lash line with a little touch of this just so I can like buff in the yellow to it. That to go in with summary first.

Yeah, dude. Okay. I’m absolutely not gonna be shy with this. Wow, I love this so much. This is kind of making me think of my little nightmares. Look which little nightmares 3.

I am patiently waiting patiently. I’m gonna add a little bit of M90 cake liner for my wing and I’m essentially gonna go on like the edge of this and make like a smaller wing where the shadow is. So you could also do this in like an opposite order. You could put down your wing first and then kind of buff out the edges with shadow to give it that kind of like smoked out look. Love that look. Oh, my God. A smoked out wing liner. Oh, probably gonna smoke it out a little bit more. Honestly, that’s seems a little too tame. I’m gonna take a little bit of scald and just put it in the corner right here. Gonna go underneath it as well. Now, toasty, this golden shade, that is soft cheese. Oh my God. That is gold. That is yellow gold.

Oh, I’m gonna lightly tap it up a little bit to see if I can just get like a sheen of it and I can toasty you set up a. I usually don’t like gold like this. Let me tell you something, I really like bronze and coppers and like d rich like tones when it comes to more gold leaning stuff. I’m just little, I’m I’m less impressed. I don’t know why champagne tones and like gold tones, gold metallics and shimmer tones. I’d there’s just something about them that they lack debt, they lack oomph sometimes, but I really like that. I really like that. Okay, let’s see. I’m gonna spread on a little bit more at the brush and see. Yeah, good manipulation with the brush. That’s pretty nice. Okay. Obviously I already had put some on with my finger, but let me just kind of tap out the edges and see if I can still get that shear next year.

Oh yeah, q q. That is really pretty. If you’re curious about anything else that is on my face, it be included on the post that I do on IG where I just list out every product, I also did this on live. So for those of you that were on there, thank you. But anyway, moving on, I have a vision with this lip and I just stick with me. Okay, I’m gonna take M ONE FORTY EIGHT my lipstick really perfect and amazing and so fantastic. I’m gonna use it in the usual placement and then I’m gonna put kind of a yellow tone in the like here, here, there doesn’t have to be exact. Then I’m taking M1O3. This is one of my favorite cream clays, like probably of all time. Again, it is a Jessica shade. So Jessica, so much for making this. My God, I love it so much. But is this like perfect kind of swampy yellow? Like it’s just so gorgeous, just in stunning. It’s like amber, like muted amber. Also this kind center. I actually have use this on my lips quite a lot. Yeah, that’s cool. Oh, I love that. I’m gonna take a little bit of char from unearthly to kind of bring the brown back in just at the very corners, literally right here. And actually, I’m curious, I’m gonna take scald and put it on there too, to like literally just match exactly that tone. Just gonna kind of tap it.

That’s perfect. Okay. Oh my God, I love this so much. I knew as soon as I saw this palette that I was gonna be doing like a more yellow kind of look. And I definitely feel like I did that. I love this. I knew that I would. This is one that I will definitely get a lot of use out of. I love a lot of unearthly color stories. I love that you can take the pans out. Like these are just really quality and really lovely in a lot of different ways. But anyway, thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for watching. Follow Me more makeup beauty content. And I will see you in the next video. Bye. Yeah, this is good. This is good.