Occupations and Drip: Ranking the Fashionable from Doctors to Blue Collar Workers

Occupations with the most drip
coming up in dead last. We have doctors.
It doesn’t even look bad. It’s just like
there’s just no versatility.
Okay, low key
so we have fast food slash retail workers.
This one is very volatile
cause on one hand
a lot of these people just don’t care about fashion or anything,
which is completely fine. But on the other hand
are a lot of people work these jobs solely to buy clothes.
So I don’t know, this could go either way.
So we have teachers only intimidating photo.
The thing with teachers is they can low key wear whatever they want.
I’m, I’m sure there’s like kind of a dress code,
but you can kind of wear whatever you want.
And uh. And from my personal experience,
I’ve definitely seen some teachers who can dress up.
Next we have any sort of profession that is like a hobby.
Like be like a rapper, streamer, athlete.
Duke, Dennis.
I can’t lie with this type of job,
it’s kind of just unfair cause you can just wear whatever you want.
I’m just gonna disqualify these people.
Except we have anyone who is considered a blue collar worker.
That could be construction workers.
Um, uh,
who else? I don’t.
There’s a reason why workwear is so popular.
Obviously a lot of the times it’s unintentional.
Like these people don’t really know that what they’re wearing is cool.
I don’t know, maybe they do,
but the amount of Blue collar people I see walking around
dressed way better than me is actually insane.