Enlarging Perception: A Creative Journey Through Photography

Day 237 of trying to take a hard photo every single day all year.
So my camera for today
was my iPhone. Now,
to be completely honest, I’m just not feeling it today.
To quote Bilbo Baggins, I feel thin,
sort of stretched like butter scraped over too much bread.
So what do you do when you’re just not feeling it?
Well, there’s one sure fire way to instantly up your spirits.
If I can’t do smoking, and I ain’t gonna do gambling,
cause I don’t have the mental capability for that right now.
So I went over to that field by my house where I do a ton of projects,
and set up the bottle on a tripod and took a photo with my phone.
Then I set up my phone on a tripod on a timer.
That way I could run into the distance
and pose as if I’m looking up at something magnificent.
You probably know where I’m going.
Once I had those photos, I hopped into Photoshop to combine them.
I wanted to make this bottle look enormous,
look majestic, because that’s how I feel about alcohol right now. Anyway,
you get the point?
It was actually a lot more difficult than I thought it would be
to make this look convincing.
And if you wanna see the very difficult
40 long minute process
that it took me to get something that I was happy with,
check out the full. It was like a 40 minute.
Video on Patreon. And with that,
this is my hard photo for the day.
Let me know what you guys think down in the comments below
and I will see you all tomorrow.