Navigating the Proptech Landscape: The Growing Significance of AI in Real Estate

I think in the past 5, 10 years,
with the dawn of proptech,
there is a certain level of exhaustion
that is set in from the real estate industry
that there’s all these new trends,
how am I gonna keep up with them?
And is AI this, you know,
latest and greatest theme?
Is this just gonna be like blockchain and crypto?
And the answer is no. And I think you’re seeing that
not only in the progress of the underlying businesses
that we’re investing in,
but in terms of how focused management teams and boards are on AI,
there is a clear, high resolution view
that this is going to have a dramatic impact
on the real estate industry.
Honestly, every facet of it.
So in the past, I would say year,
I’ve probably presented to more boards
and more management teams across fifth walls
LPs than I ever have in the last seven years of running Fifth Wall.
And that is because AI is so topical
and it has become such an important issue
for the real estate industry.
And I think that is a forever change
as that is a thematic trend that’s here to stay.