Title: How to Make $20,000 Monthly Selling iPhone Photography on Stock Websites: Step-by-Step Guide

if you have an iPhone 11 or newer
and wanna start making money doing stock photography
in the next 24 hours…
listen up
just using photos taken on my iPhone
I consistently make over $20,000 every month
by selling my camera roll on stock photography websites
unlike in 2012 when looking to buy stock images
for marketing or websites
businesses actually prefer the organic style content shot on your iPhone
and that’s because these aesthetic smartphone photos
engage over twice as high as traditional stock images
which have a corporate generic feel
and if you’re watching this video right now
it means you already have a smartphone capable of taking profitable pictures
whether you start making money doing stock photography or not
really just comes down to if you are the type of person to just
save this video, do nothing, and
magically think that you’ll start somewhere in the future
or if you actually just start doing this today
because you already have everything you need
if you wanna maximize your success in doing this
I compiled all my two years of knowledge into a full
step by step guide that doesn’t miss a thing
and it’s linked on top of my profile