Urban Portraits: A Photographer’s Encounter with Alia

Excuse me. Hey. Hi.
How are you doing? Good.
How are you? Good.
Sorry to bother you. My name is David.
I’m a photographer. Can I take pictures of people?
And I thought you look cool.
Love your style. Thank you.
Yeah, I was gonna see if I can get you, like,
a free photo. Yeah, sure.
Yeah, yeah.
What’s your name? Alia.
I’m David. David,
nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.
This is my work. Oh, wow.
It’s amazing. So what I do is I go up to strangers,
I ask for a picture, and I post the results.
Okay, cool. Awesome.
Yeah, I’m super down.
Okay. Haha.
Can I get you to look that way?
And, uh,
one more like. Like this.
Oh, wow.
Ha ha, ha.
That’s really cool. Ha, ha.
Oh, it’s really pretty.