Embracing Repetition: Why Your Audience Needs Reminders More Than New Lessons

Many of us have this big fear that we’re harassing our audience
by repeating ourselves over and over and over again.
The vast majority of the time,
no one even A knows you exist
or B
specifically knows the message that you’re trying to let them know.
And so I like to tell my team and remind myself
that we need to be reminded more than we need to be taught.
And so
your audience needs to be reminded more than they need to be taught.
And I don’t know about you,
but I follow plenty of accounts where, like,
they have the same four or five messages
more or less that they put out there.
The reason I follow them is because I like the reminder.
I like to be reminded to be patient.
I like to be reminded to not take things too seriously.
I like to be reminded that I have to think long.
Like, those are the things that I like to be reminded of.
And so imagine if that accounts,
like I already said, be patient once,
I don’t want to say it again.
They I’ve already heard that from.
It’s like, no.
People have messages that they want to continue get fed into,
and every time you feed that same message that they liked before
back into them, they’ll have another positive experience with you.
The amount of novelty that’s required in content
is significantly less than you think as a creator.