Farmhouse Chicken Dumpling Soup: A Cozy Recipe for Using Up Vegetables

I had a bunch of vegetables that I needed to use before they went bad,
so I kind of made like a chicken dumpling soup type deal.
Okay, um,
first you saute some celery,
carrots, and onion.
Once that’s soft, you can add in some garlic.
Then I diced up some russet potatoes,
added those, added two cartons of chicken broth,
two cans of cream of chicken,
and then I added some chicken bouillon for some extra flavor,
and heavy whipping cream to kind of thicken the soup up a little bit.
I also found some bacon in my fridge that needed to be used,
so I sauteed that up as well and added that to my soup.
Then I made some dumplings,
which is just flour, chicken bouillon,
salt, pepper,
and water. You mix it until it’s like,
I don’t know, a sticky consistency,
and then you add them in, like,
little droplets. Doesn’t matter what size, really.
Literally does not matter.
The odd shape, the better. Haha.
Cook that for about 15, 20 minutes and enjoy. My boys all loved it.