Summer Reads: A Book Lover’s Guide to Beautiful and Stunning Recommendations

Allow me to interrupt your scrolling with a list of beautiful, stunning summary book recommendations for your summer season. Cuz it’ll come and it’ll go. So lock in now and listen to what I have to say so you can go book shopping and buy good books. It would be wonderful. The frame that I had my phone set up on wasn’t wobbling like the leaning tower of pizza, pizza, pizza, Pizza.

Some of these recommendations are gonna be books that you’ve heard of and some of them aren’t. And I think that’s gonna be a good thing. So I’m gonna start with some obvious ones. The summer we turn pretty, I cannot lie, I don’t care for the show that greatly. Like these books had a special place in my heart when I first read them, I believe when I was 13.

And I reread them my junior of high school, so like 4 years ago. I have these copies and I have these ones that I annotated. And I don’t know, these just do something to me emotionally.

I think that the characters feel so real and such an easy, fun time. But it’s a good time. It’s a wonderful time. And I don’t know. I’ve never really read books like these or exactly like these. You know what I mean? Nothing has left me feeling the same way.

Now, here in my summary, Taylor Jenkins read recommendations. Obviously Malibu Rising, cuz it’s Malibu da look at the cover.

Imagine yourself reading this by the beach and then Daisy Johnson the sixth because it’s like Rockstar. Oh my god. Annotating this is such a blast too. If you’re looking for something to annotate, this is the perfect one. I kind of wanna reread this. I actually found a hardback copy at the thrift.

So I’m wondering if I should reread it. I read it 2 summer ago, if I’m correct. I said, yes, it was two summers ago because I’ve since worked my way through all of her books that are on the market.

I feel like this is really good for when you’re having a concert. Full summer, I haven’t been able to go to any concerts. I might be going to the Lala Felisa, though, but, or I am going to Lala Felisa. I don’t have tickets yet, but I’m gonna go the only concert that I really wanted to go to is the trilogy concert. But literally I, none of the venues near me were during where I was, when I was where I was.

You get what I’m trying to say? But that was a terrible would articulate it. So now that I’ve recommended some contemporaries and some sort of let fix character heavy books, I’m gonna go into the old lady books. Look at how sexy these are. Like, tell me that these aren’t gorgeous.

Tell me this doesn’t tickle your fancy. Tell me you don’t want a section of your bookshelf dedicated to these lovely spines. Okay. Ellen Hilderbrand, old lady author, she has just retired, just released her last book. I’m so passionate about recommending these books cuz no one talks about them and they’re so good.

They’re not like heavy to annotate, but it’s just really intricate character webs that are done well and it’s fun to read. Some people don’t like them, but I love them. And if you think they have similar taste to me, eh, if you like, watch my other videos, then 100% recommend them. I don’t even know which one is my favorite. The reason that I started reading them was because I was stuck.

I forgot all my books when I went on vacation. I was stuck in a really small town. It’s like literally the average age there’s probably 78. And I found this at the goodwill was like, guess I’m reading this cuz I have to be reading something. Who do I look like?

So I picked this up and I was like, hi, and this is good. So, and then I start getting more. You can probably find them at thrift stores or you can just order them on book outlet or whatever you wanna do them. They usually have them everywhere. And they’re such a fun time. And it looks so static when you’re sitting by any body of water with one of these.

If you want an easy read, that will make you think very deeply and will provoke all of the thoughts in the back of your brain. Pick up this. I had seen this book so many times and like everything is cool and whatever. I have a cat. Look at my hair right now.

Don’t like it. If you liked everything, I feel like you’ll love this. The writing, it was just so spectacular and it resonates really well with me. It was a long time ago that I read it, but like as you can see, I really enjoyed it. And the ending is a bit hurtful, but in a good way.

Like it hurts good. Oh, if you want a cartoony Disney Channel for adults type vibe, pick up a TJ Clune book. I solvent read. I believe it’s called the master of pub, master of puppets or something. Not master puppets, something like that. Something in the lives of puppets.

I’m literally talking about the band because I was looking at vinyl the other day. But anyway, I like house on the Cerulean Sea better than out of the Whispering Door, but they’re both good. This one was like a 5 star and this one was a 4 star.

For me, if you go to Barnes and novel, you can get like the special editions. My friend has a special edition, this and it’s beautiful. I actually have this one signed, but this is just such a wholesome but worthwhile read.

Like I wouldn’t say it’s not juvenile, like it’s written brilliantly, but it’s such a fun time and it’s just so wording. He wrote my name. I met him at my local Lawrence and noble and he was very nice. Now here are some lip thick Rex, how to stop time.

If you liked Addie Larue or if you’ve read The Midnight Library where I’m at head, do not sleep on this one. I think he’s coming out with a new book soon, and I’m really excited for it because I’ve loved everything that I’ve read by him. This is about a man that has like this rare condition where he ages, I think, 40 times slower than the average person. So he’s old as hell. And just how difficult that is for him because obviously, like he can fall in love, but he can’t age so he can’t stay in love.

And it’s just beautifully done. It’s such a fun time. It’s a good book to annotate, but it’s easy to get through. It’s not super dense. I’d say that it’s less dense than Adi Laru if you didn’t like Addie Laru, but you like the concept, this might be an easier one.

Next was milk fed and I didn’t expect to like this book and I like the lip fit. Girlies get it. If you like to normal people, this is definitely a book that I would pick up.

It’s about a, it’s sort of a static romance, but I wouldn’t say it’s heavy on the romance. Even though it’s heavy on the romance, it’s more just about the inner thoughts and monologue of your main character. So it’s kind of just a character study. But if it’s also trick trigger warnings, cuz basically about an eating disorder, but like if you’ve ever struggled with eating, then this is a really good book to think about how you think. Because most of us, we are inclined to do things, but we don’t really realize why we’re doing them or why we think this way. But it reflects a lot on how your mind works when you’re so stuck in an eating disorder.

And then this is less of Olympic, but more, it’s a classic. Flowers for Algernon. My friend annotated this for me. This is about a man who undergoes a surgery through like these doctors that give him, they basically gift him with intelligence. But it talks about all of the extra things that come with that and how it changes his life and how changes his relationships.

And the end is sort of sad, but it’s like a bitter sweet ending, I guess, but more bitter than sweet. But I feel like everyone should read this. It’s a pretty easy classic to read. And if you’re struggling with like the beginning because of the way that it’s written, just get through like the first 50 pages and it changes. So, okay.

And if you’re looking for a fun, easy time, but you don’t want like a cringe sort of romance, I would pick up anything Carly Fortune. I don’t find her books. Cringe all. I know some people didn’t like this one. This one’s actually my favorite. This one is a copy paste of love, in other words, but it’s still a blast. I find these characters very real and relatable and like they’ve kind of got a sad undertone, even if they’re not necessarily very sad in the book.

Like they’re just real and they have verifiable issues that they just don’t feel super fictitious. You know what I mean? They’re, I’m at a loss for words right now, which is aggravating me because I don’t find that happens to me often. But I am, these aren’t complicated books. They’re not gonna change your life, but they’re gonna s resonate well with you and they’re gonna kind of stay with you.

And I don’t remember like explicit details about these really, but I mean, I remember the general plots and they just sit in a nice place in my heart. Okay, lastly, I have not read the third book in this series yet, but I did like these. They sit pretty well with me too. And not to mention how beautiful the covers are. Like, when do you see fantasy books with these colors?

The last one’s purple, but I don’t get to add it to my actual bookshelf until I’ve read it because I have to have a reward system. You know what I mean? So if you like shadomy’s or if you like the shadowing books, I feel like these are written a lot more complexly, but they’re not like difficult to follow.

There are a lot slower paced, but the writing is still very pretty and there’s love triangle. So it’s a fun time. Okay, I’m gonna stop there because I could go on, but I won’t because this video is already eight minutes long. So if you guys want me to talk about anything else or like specific sorts of recommendations, just let me know. I think my next video, I’m gonna talk about the books that I’ve annotated the most and what I annotate in them. Because some, a lot of people were asking me that. So.