Urgent message regarding trademark rights and social media following

Like, this.
This merge situation is, like,
really, like,
fucking me up. Hey, Jules,
it’s Alfredo Lewis. Uh,
we follow each other. Hi.
Uh, I about fell out of my chair when I saw that you also follow me.
So thank you for that, cause I love you and I think you’re amazing.
Um, but I saw this.
Maybe I’m a little late to the party.
Looks like you posted this about 15 hours ago,
but one of my clients, Tina.
Mad Libs, in case you don’t know,
I save people’s hair. She took Ambien,
did a box dye at home, we flew her out to LA,
and we saved her hair. Um,
and she keeps commenting on here.
I was going through some of the comments.
Um, you have rights,
you know, you can reclaim this.
I’m not gonna act like I’m a lawyer,
I’m a hair stylist. But you have rights to this.
They can take the trademark away and reinstate it to you
because you can show intent.
It’s gonna be so easy for you to do,
especially with your social media following and presence
and all the videos. Um,
but my friend Tina has a friend that is a trademark lawyer.
She’s dming you and she wants you.
I’m gonna tag her in this.
Uh, the reason I’m making this video,
since we follow each other,
I’m hoping that I will show up in your feed
in the algorithm. TikTok,
do your thing, guys.
Repost this. Just in case.
Maybe somebody’s already helped you.
If they are amazing. Um,
I just wanted to come on here and make sure that you saw that message.
Tina is such a sweetheart,
and I’m sure she has great intentions and great info for you.
So, uh,
let’s smash this. Let’s get the mirror exactly where it belongs,
which is with you, so you can get more money for your family,
your transition, and everything you deserve.