The Comedy of Being Recognized: A Skatune Network Story

it’s just coming up to me and being like
do I recognize you
ha ha I wanna share my favourite version of being recognized from the internet
that I notice and like
I’m not famous but anyone who exist online in the niche of like
punk alternative have seen me in their world at some point
so it’s funny when someone recognises me in a space like that
but it’s even more funny when it’s just in real life
and they just so happen to come across me
but they don’t know if it’s me
and I could see it go through their brain where they recognise me
and they’re like if I think this is skatune Network and it’s not
i’mma look real racist
and like they know it’s me because like
it is me and I’ve definitely like
met other fans who are black who have said yeah
people think I’m Skatune Network whenever they see me at a show
which like kinda proves that there is that realness of like oh
they might just think any black person is Skatune Network
which makes like the fear of like man
if I call this person scouts network and they’re not skatune network
it ain’t gonna end well for me
so they kinda just look at me like that like
they’re just over there doubting themselves like no
that can’t be but no
that can’t be maybe going through their mind like
Skatune network doesn’t live in Chicago
but like
let me check this
don’t check their Instagram to see if they’re in Chicago right now
it’s just really funny every single time