Walgreens Weekly Deals Review: Angel Soft and Charmin 12-Pack Promotion

Walgreens deals this week.
So I’ve been checking since very early in the morning
for this particular deal on The Angel Soft.
Now, it had been saying from like Wednesday that today, um,
starting August 25th, we were gonna have these 12 pack of Charmins
for nine dollars and ninety nine cents.
But we were also gonna have a continued, um,
coupon for $5 off. So it’s gonna be such a great deal.
But I noticed everyone’s been commenting about it not working.
Now, I do have my digital coupon here
because I had it clipped from before today.
So I guess those people who did not clip it before
do not have the coupon either available for clipping or not at all.
But I do have it here. Now,
I’m went into the,
the coupon itself to see the details and this is what I saw.
It says it’s not found. Like,
there’s no list, there’s no.
No information on it. So
I’m not sure if it’s something that is just not gonna work for today
Sunday. I don’t know what’s going on.
So I put it into like,
shipping just to see if maybe for pickup or doing it in person
it wasn’t working, but maybe shipping it would.
So I don’t know what’s going on.
If you didn’t clip it before,
you probably no longer have it.
Another thing is it’s a 1699.
It’s supposed to be nine 99.
So not only the prices hasn’t changed from the Price
it was last week to now, but the.
The coupon is not available.
Is a whole bunch of stuff going on.
I just want to show you here
the regular picture when you go into the product.
Um, if anything changes,
I’ll keep you posted, but for now,
it doesn’t even show up here when you check on.
On offers and stuff like that.
Sorry, I’m walking,
so I’m, like,
a little bit out of breath,
but I just wanted to show you this information.
I’ll keep you posted anything I find out.
Be careful. And if you do get it.