Title: Leveraging Custom Code in Make.com Automations for Data Processing and File Handling

A lot of people don’t know that in their make.com automations,
beyond just being able to add these built in automations,
you can actually also write code either in javascript or Python.
You’re going to run into some situations
where the built in modules just don’t do what you need to do.
In my case, I was processing a much larger file than make could process
in the automation, so I actually wrote some code using ChatGPT.
The secret to getting code that works is number one
being able to verify that it does work on your own.
But just giving it the inputs and outputs that you need
in order for the code to work.
And then generally it does a fairly good job.
And then you can use these modules from 0 code it to run that code.
And as always, you can pass in variables from previous steps.
And then you can define how that data from the code
should be returned back to make.
In this case I was generating data for a file,
so then I used it to upload to Google Drive
and I passed it the result from O Code kit.