Unforgettable Night: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at an Epic Show Production

Couldn’t have gone better.
I was probably stressed for a solid eight months going into that
of like, debating what songs to play and production,
which west was like heavily involved with,
like the video content, which was amazing.
But even sound check of the day of the show,
things were like, still not completely ready.
So like one of the videos we saw for the first time
when we were on the stage performing.
So it was like right down to the minute,
really getting ready. But show went great.
It was like, really,
really special to be able to do that.
I wish we had two nights cause it was over.
It went so fast, like before you knew,
it was like, oh,
this is. We’re off,
we’re off to now play the encore.
And it was. Yeah,
it was crazy wild. It was like,
I remember the first three songs
and then I just remember waking up at home the next day being like,
whoa, what happened there?
It was crazy,
but I would say probably one of the best nights of my life.
Agree. I think we’ve been just wanting to do something like that
and to have the kind of production and like, content,
video, stuff
how you always envision being able to, like,
showcase your band and stuff.
It’s nice to be like, this is.
If we could do this every show,
this is how we would wanna do it.
So to be able To at least get to do that once is amazing,
but also a huge headache. I can’t imagine doing that every day.
Ha ha. It took an army to get that together.