Generational Habits: The Curious Case of Thumb Tucking

I look like a greaseball. It’s fine.
I just have a question.
Is this normal? My mom does it,
I do it. And that I’ve noticed my daughter doing it.
Every time I go to bed, or, like,
when I wake up in the night,
I always have my thumb tucked under my fingers like this.
And I talked to my mom about it once,
and she said she did it because she had a bed pole next to her bed
growing up, and she would always grab it.
And then when they got rid of it,
she just kept doing it. And for me,
I was a thumbsucker, so I just thought that’s why I did it.
But then I saw my daughter do it.
Now I’m like, is this evolution?
Does anyone else do it?