Unexpectedly Magical Encounters: A Vanilla Sample, Unicorn Vibes, and YouTube Stardom

Is it possible to try a sample of the vanilla?
For a second it almost felt like a unicorn.
Yeah. I need to tip you.
Dude. That was crazy.
Oh my god. Really?
Yeah. That was crazy, bro.
Oh my goodness. Thank you so much.
Hey, of course.
Thank you. That was life changing.
Alright, see you,
Yeah. I’m like so shocked right now.
That’s crazy. Hell yeah, bro.
I’ve never done that before.
All yours, buddy.
You’re so awesome, dude.
You too. Sorry.
I wanna give you this back cause.
Oh my god. Yeah.
Felt bad keeping the spoon.
So what’s. What’s your name?
Steven. Steven.
Yeah. I actually think I’ve seen you on YouTube or.
Oh sweet.
Heck yeah. Yeah, you’re awesome.