Title: Spread Kindness: A Simple Message for Making the World a Better Place

Alright, what’s up, y’all?
Check this out.
Simple message today. Just be good to people.
Be good to each other. Be kind,
okay? Everybody’s going through some version of something really hard.
It’s their own reality of difficulty,
every single person. And you never know what it is.
And so just be kind to one another.
Say hello. Smile.
Open a door for somebody.
Check in on your people. Just to check in.
Just be good to each other,
okay? It doesn’t cost you anything to do that.
When your cup is running over,
don’t let it spill on the ground.
Just give it to somebody else.
This world would be a better place,
it would be more beautiful,
if we would all just do this one thing, okay?
So go out there and be good.