Transforming the Stand: A Weekend of Painting Adventures

I’m so glad I wrote my friend in last weekend that EP
to come down this weekend
to help me paint my stand for my upcoming events, because,
my god, it was a bigger job than I thought it was going to be.
So there’s a few big pieces to this set,
and they all have to be primed first with white paint.
First layer of paint is done on.
Onto the next layer. Hooray!
We then went in with another undercoat,
which is like a green colour,
because that’s the colour that’s going to be.
And the dark clouds came and we had to put the gazebo up.
It’s lashing. It’s absolutely lashing.
We have the gazebo up.
We have a sheet of. Trying to stop it from getting this way. Oh!
Alan then made an appearance
and brought over some dough balls that he’d made
that he’s gonna have his recipe on his page soon.
Day one’s process. So happy with. So roll on day two.